Thanks LeeLoving for your question about baptism. The word baptize means to be washed. You can look that up in a concordance. However, it is not talking about physical washing, like by physical water. It means to be washed free from the stain of sin. When we put our trust in Jesus, when we believe on him for what he did for us (in taking away the penalty of of sin), then we are automatically washed. In other words, we are baptised. That is why the Bible says, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. " The ceremony that some churches call baptism will not affect a person being saved one way or the other, no matter who dunks you in physical water, a believer or someone else. He that believes on Jesus and is washed free from the penalty of sin will be saved.
Now, let's read the verse you asked about: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. " The water here means the Word of God. You can read about that in Ephesians 5:26, "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word ". A person is saved by Jesus - they believe his word. Further, God gives them the spirit to believe his word. When you believe Jesus' word, it is because God has given you his spirit to believe. "But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. "
I disagree with a lot of what you stated....
First off, the word baptize is a direct transliteration of the Greek word "baptizo".... which means "to immerse".. in other words, submerge. it was also used occasionally when discussing making pickles.... immersing the cucumber into the liquid to pickle it. But it means to immerse... not to "wash".
If you read the word of God with the understanding of who it was written to, you should know that ANYBODY in the first century knew what baptism was... it was immersion in water.
When Peter told the crowd at Pentecost, where Jesus' church was founded, to repent and be baptized, they knew EXACTLY what Peter meant. There simply was no other definition or description for it. They were also told that in doing so, they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
When the eunuch that Philip taught came upon a body of water, he said "what prevents me from being baptized?" He didn't ask Philip to go ahead and baptize him with the Spirit... he knew he needed water baptism.
Cornelius' family had not been water baptized because the Jews didn't think salvation was for them, being Gentiles. God allowed the Spirit to enter them, proving to the Jewish Christians that the Gentiles were approved by God. Then Peter told them to be baptized in the name of Jesus... which was immersion in water.
When Paul was visited by Ananias, and regained his sight, the FIRST thing he did was to be baptized... immersed in water.
Also, read what the first century apostolic fathers understood about the importance of water baptism. Being born of the water and the Spirit was clearly understood to be talking of baptism and the Spirit. Which, is EXACTLY what Peter told the crowd at Pentecost.
When the apostles taught about being baptized with the Spirit, they were simply describing how we as believers are immersed into the Spirit... we are filled with the Spirit.... and how did Peter say we would "get" the Spirit? Repent and be baptized, and we will receive the gift of the Spirit...
Not only was Jesus baptized himself, but he also baptized others. The apostles baptized others. Jesus' last command to his followers was to go and make disciples of all nations.... baptizing them.... it is that important.