And don't misunderstand me. I believe you would be an excellent and very advanced teacher IF you could understand the milk.
Paul, once he understood the milk and believed it, had a HUGE advantage. He could now harmonize all the scripture he learned and memorized with the milk he now understood.
Why, Thank you. I have seen you agree with me on other threads and compliment my work explaining Scripture. I've enjoyed some of your bottom lining in another argument we both disagree with.
For some of us, the milk ultimately became subsumed into more detailed information that made us realize that some of the milk we were fed was spoiled or the foundation that was laid and/or the first few courses of structure left something to be desired and needed some repairs.
You do realize that your providing a few verse references and not explaining them in relation to other verses presented to you leaves something to be desired, don't you?
I'd like to see a lot more work here among us all dealing with more Scripture than just a few blasts of John3:16 which is an explanation of 3:15 both of which are speaking in the language of purpose leaving some legitimate questions re: what the end meaning or range of the subjunctive mood verbs are.
On another note, I thank the forum admin for implementing the verse lookup function.