Sir, what exactly do you believe that I must do to be saved?
Our gift of salvation from sin would be incomplete if we were only saved from the penalty of sin while our lives continued to be directed at being doers of sin, so there must be an aspect of our gift of salvation from sin that we are getting to experience in the present by directing our lives towards walking in God’s way. So the issue of what we must do to be saved is not in regard to what we are required to have done first in order to then become saved as the result, but in regard to what we are intrinsically required to do to be experiencing God’s gift of salvation in the present, or in other words, what we are intrinsically required to do to be experiencing the gift of having an intimate relationship with God.
The Hebrew word "yada" refers to in intimate relationship/knowledge gained by experience, such as in Genesis 4:1, Adam knew (yada) Eve, she conceived, and gave birth to Cain. The Bible begins and ends in the Garden with the Tree of Life and the goal of everything in between is to teach us the way back to it, or in other words, the goal of everything in the Bible is to teach us how to know (yada) God and Jesus, which is His gift of eternal life (John 17:3). God's way is the way to know (yada), love, glorify, believe in, and testify about Him and Jesus by being in His likeness through being a doer of His character traits, such as in Genesis 18:19, God knew (yada) Abraham that he would teach his children and those of his household to walk in His way by being a doer of righteousness and justice that the Lord might bring to him all that He has promised. In Exodus 33:13, Moses wanted God to be gracious to him by teaching him to walk in His way that he and Israel might know (yada) Him, in 1 Kings 2:1-3, God taught how to walk in His way through the Mosaic Law, and in Matthew 7:23, Jesus said that he would tell those who are workers of lawlessness to depart from him because he never knew them, so the goal of the law is to teach us how to know God and Jesus, which again is His gift of eternal life. In Luke 10:25-28, Jesus affirmed that the way to inherit eternal life is by obeying the greatest two commandments of the Mosaic Law and something that we inherit is a gift.
God’s way is also the way to believe in Him, such as by being a doer of good works in obedience to God’s law we are testifying about God’s goodness, which is why our good works bring glory to Him (Matthew 5:16), and by testifying about God’s goodness we are also expressing the belief that God is good, or in other words we are believing in Him. Likewise, the way to believe that God is a doer of justice is by directing our lives towards being in His likeness through being a doer of justice in obedience to Him, the way to believe that God is holy is by being a doer of His instructions for how to be holy as he is holy, and so forth. The way to believe in the Son is exactly the same as the way to believe in the Father because the Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact likeness of His character (Hebrews 1:3). It is by this faith alone that we have salvation, justification, righteousness, and eternal life.
The way to love God is also by walking in His way, such as the way to live justice is by being a doer of justice, so everything that God has chosen to command was commanded in order to teach us how to love different aspects of His character, which is why the Bible repeatedly states that the way to love God is by obeying His commandments.
Sin is what is contrary to God's way, such with unrighteousness be sin, and sin is the transgression of the Mosaic Law because it was given to teach us how to walk in God’s way, so the way that Jesus is giving us His gift of saving us from sin is by graciously teaching us to walk God’s way.