That's for sure.
I'm just encouraging the young man to stick around if he wants to talk to others his age group.
In the meantime he can say hello and participate in appropriate public discussions. Home schoolers typically do so well in the area they are wrongly accused of failure.... socialization. They usually are better at appropriate interaction with others if all ages .
The home schoolers are not isolated from interaction with responsible adults, like their parents and others their parents approve of engaging in conversation like teachers.
I'd like to see teen groups visit nursing homes with their parents.
It's rare for them to interact with actual family members enough to develope proper community.
Government schools practice age segregation. It forces them to interact with many who behave immature and irresponsible. Then parents want the teachers and preachers to fix their kids. It's a broken system.
Example, a guy from church was invited to the college Christian group on campus. We made him feel welcome, but he kept wanting to have someone his own exact age to talk to at our dinner and game socials. I told him to invite them. Most of us were no older than two years more than this 19-20 yo college student. He was in the gt mold and very narrow minded as he was trained to be all his life. Just one example of why I encourage teens to be patient, but not be dumb when someone is inappropriate.
Hello Health and Happiness,
I totally agree that modern western culture has worked to isolate the generations, I think it is very wrong
and not healthy for the culture.
So often there is much wisdom and life experience with that can be shared by previous generations to those just making their way in the world.
Homeschoolers probably do better because the parents are more involved in their children's lives.
It might be a cultural thing, but my extended family is very cohesive, in that the younger people hang out, as in actually talk and share with the grandparents, aunts and uncles, instead of scampering off to be with their friends.
I was not totally clear in my post but having been part of CC for about ten years on and off, I have noticed many
pretending to be young girls mostly, eventually they cannot keep up the facade and leave.
I am not really sure why this is the case. If someone states they are a teen, 14, I usually do the wait and see thing now.