It is always Jesus' will to heal, as I read the New Testament.
Eph 1:4
According as (kathOs) he-chose (exelexato) us (humas) in him (en autOi) before (pro) [the] foundation (katabolEs) of [the] world (kosmou), we (humas) to be being (einai) holy (hagious) and (kai) without blame (amOmous) before him (katenOpion autou) in love (en agapEi):
Various ways to group these phrases in Greek.
1. According-as he-chose-us-in-him before-[the]-foundation-of-[the]-world us-to-be-being-holy-and-without-blame before-him in-love:
OR -
2. According-as he-chose-us in-him-before-[the]-foundation-of-[the]-world us-to-be-being-holy-and-without-blame before-him in-love:
One fact that mitigates against "us" being "each one of us" is that Paul does not use "each of us" (ekaston humOn), so I think Paul is saying that the church ("us" collectively, the body of Christ) was chosen before creation to be the primary goal of the creation project, a people like the chosen One (holy and without blame) and headed by the chosen One. This body was populated as sinners were added by putting their faith in Yahweh and Christ.