You don't understand metaphors at all, do you? Besides, don't you know that the Son gives life to whom He wishes (Jn 5:21), and the Spirit gives life to whom he wishes (Jn 3:8; 6:63), and the Father gives and draws to the Son whom he wishes.
Do you realise that the default reading of the present tense in KoinE reek is as a progressive present. The gnomic present is generally applicable only if the progressive does not make sense contextually. In these texts the progressive as descriptive of the working of the Spirit in Jesus ministry, makes sense. Extrapolating that into universal aphorisms is not what the narrative genre is expecting us to do every time we see the present tense..
Jhn 5:19
Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can be doing nothing of himself, but what he is seeing the Father do: for what things soever
that one (
ekeinos, the Father) is doing, these also the Son is doing likewise.
Jhn 5:20
For the Father is loving the Son, and is showing him all things that
he (
autos, the Son) is doing: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may be marveling.
Jhn 5:21
For as the Father is raising up the dead, and is quickening
them; even so the Son is quickening whom he (the father) is willing.
Jhn 5:22
For the Father is judging no man, but has committed all judgment unto the Son:
The Son is giving life to whom He wishes makes sense with the He being the Father. So, reading this as a universal truth for all times.
John 3:8 does not say that the spirit give life to whom He wishes.
Jhn 6:63
The spirit that is the one quickening; the flesh is profiting nothing: the words that I am speaking unto you,
they are spirit, and
they are life.
To extrapolate these texts into a declaration that the new birth is completely God's activity without any input from the converting soul goes beyond what the language says. Yes, a man could never save Himself without God by merely willing to be saved. And it is completely within God's prerogative to determine how he will design the salvation process and whom he will offer salvation to. But none of this mandates that God does it all, and the convert does absolutely nothing towards his salvation. If God wants to require a mustard seed of faith from the man as part of the process, that does not make salvation by the will of man ,who did not design the process nor perform most of the process.