I am staunchly KJV-only. I was saved over a decade ago now... Spent 7 years using what ever translation I fancied till one day I decided to ask God what Bible he created. Became KJV onlyist after a few months of research. And have stayed KJV only due to research, prayer, and the Holy Ghost.
I am Core KJV / Received Text (Which is basically the same thing but a little more nuanced).
I believe all the words in the KJV are the perfect words of God for today.
I believe the Pure Cambridge KJV edition (circa 1900) is the final settled edition.
I also believe the underlying Hebrew and 99.99% of the Beza Greek is perfect, as well.
You said:
I'll listen to your debate and tell you my thoughts,
You said:
Now on your intro at 11 minutes.
I'm at roughly 12 minutes... If you are going to be going through slides in a few seconds, don't add very vibrant pictures or pics at all. It draws the person's eyes away from the text, then the slide changes... They are distracting... Pictures are best used when you are going to linger on a slide to keep the attention of those who don't really pay attention.
(Later on, you use pictures correctly with clipart and the such, but your first few slides, the pictures were overwhelming IMO.)
I'm at roughly 12 minutes... If you are going to be going through slides in a few seconds, don't add very vibrant pictures or pics at all. It draws the person's eyes away from the text, then the slide changes... They are distracting... Pictures are best used when you are going to linger on a slide to keep the attention of those who don't really pay attention.
(Later on, you use pictures correctly with clipart and the such, but your first few slides, the pictures were overwhelming IMO.)
I am going to upload a video of my slide presentation where I will:
(a) Read it slower and not rush through the slides (because of time restraints).
(b) Add more details on the textual differences in my Doctrinal Section.
(c) If God leads me to do so, I may add a few more key slides that briefly mention Westcott and Hort, the two lines of Bibles, etc.
You said:
You put a LOT of effort into this, that is apparent.
You said:
Now, at 14:21, I disagree with how you made your conclusion of your premise.
Instead of going "we would logically come to this position" because then your opponent goes "I and my friends did not come to that conclusion, and we have PhDs, so therefore, you are wrong...."
Instead of going "we would logically come to this position" because then your opponent goes "I and my friends did not come to that conclusion, and we have PhDs, so therefore, you are wrong...."
- Isaiah 34 is connected to Revelation (which is about the End Times).
- Logic follows that the "Book of the Lord" during the End Times would be the Word of God (the Bible) because if God was telling the world to seek out this book during that time, the Bible is the only contender where a person can find God's words. My brief video was trying to show that even today, asking people in Christian nations if they can help you find the "Book of the Lord" would commonly be understood as referring to the Bible.
You said:
It is better to go with a structured argument such as Isaiah 28, Precept upon Precept, line upon line... IN ANOTHER TONGUE... Precept upon Precept... Psalm 12:6-7, the WORDS of the Lord are PURE.....
Therefore, since the Book of the Lord is Scripture, and Scripture says it is PURE and given by God into other languages....
Therefore, since the Book of the Lord is Scripture, and Scripture says it is PURE and given by God into other languages....
The point I felt I made was that Isaiah 34:16 is a prophecy of the completed Bible.
Brandon Peterson has a video on Isaiah 34:16. He also makes another great point that I wish I had time to include. Peterson notes that Christians in foreign nations, where English is not the native tongue, still believe the KJV is the perfect Word of God. He ties this into his video on Isaiah 34:16.
You can watch both videos here:
You said:
It's the same place you are trying to go, but doesn't allow for GUESS WORK...
And if your opponent counters with "the KJV was written by men," you can counter with 1 Thess 2:13.
And if your opponent counters with "the KJV was written by men," you can counter with 1 Thess 2:13.
You said:
Your 1st Corinthians argument was good and concise. You could have reinforced it, but with that argument, I think it's best to let them attack it so they can trap themselves instead of defending it. Because when they attack it, the trap is quick and easy.
You said:
3rd pillar, Ephesians-Romans 10:17 argument was sound.
You said:
4th pillar, YES! This is where you build your argument.
You said:
19:10 AMEN! AMEN! Yes, I wish you would have come out the gate like this, STRAIGHT to the point, attack them from the start, don't play their game of prefacing..... TWO EDGED SWORD!
You said:
20:20, we differ there. They do not potentially lead to that. THEY DO CAUSE THAT. That is the GOAL of them.
You said:
24:00, good point. Thank you. I learned something new today. I didn't know they attacked Matthew 1:1, the first verse in the NT. Poetic.
You said:
For the past 10 minutes, AMEN!!!!
If my opponent were to go back and carefully examine my points, I think he would realize he does not have a leg to stand on.
You said:
In all, good job. I will watch the rest later (likely in segments). Dude, you did PHENOMENAL.
It was my first debate. If I choose to debate again, I need to invest in a timer and take some sessions at Toastmasters Club to become a little more polished.
You said:
Note: I am being hyper critical in this. The reason is that I think you were being hyper critical of yourself in the post.
You said:
As far as your other points, I will see when I get there...
In any event, I am glad you liked my defense of the King James Bible.
It is the Word of God indeed.
All praise to our Lord that He gave us His Word.
May God bless you greatly for your kind words and encouragement.
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