Sounds like 1 Corinthians 14, which is how I see the proper structure of the meeting of the saints. I experienced this at one mainstream church in the mid to late 1970's. It was the time of the Charismatic renewal in Australia. It was an amazing time of great blessing. Everyone was talking about "body ministry". This came to an untimely end when the control freak pastor could not handle it. The associate pastor, one of God's true gems, was pushed out and so was God. I saw in a dream that the church was about to implode. A few years later, what I saw came to pass. By that time, I was involved in a more traditional Pentecostal church. The Lord said to me, "This is a restaurant church". Eventually, I realised what that meant. I was blessed to be led to a home based fellowship, which was where I learned more than I could ever convey. My greatest desire is to see that kind of fellowship become the norm.