The "Palestinians" (no such thing) are not going anywhere because no one will have them. It is ignorant and antichrist western nations that have in effect funded Hamas and other anti Israel Muslim forces. Money supposed to benefit Gazans has been used to dig tunnels and arm terrorists. Gaza could have been a place of peace and safety. Instead, Gazans voted for a terrorist group to take control. The Muslim world refuses to take in refugees. Surely Muslims should take care of Muslims? Not at all, according to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states.
Perhaps the Muslim nations like the idea of 2 million Israeli hating Muslims as a continual threat to Israel's peace and security. Personally, I think Mr Trump's idea is a good one. Will it get up? No. He is not dealing with normal people. They are religious zealots who will maintain their hatred of Israel. This is exactly as God said to Hagar about Ishmael, who is the founder of the Arab nations.