nope, that got fact checked today by reuters, and found not to be true..
of course , i told you this last week, but what do i know??
of course , i told you this last week, but what do i know??
This, from Politifact:
It did not reverse the cost savings Biden signed into law in the Inflation Reduction Act, which allowed Medicare to negotiate the price of drugs, capped insulin costs for Medicare recipients at $35 a month and capped out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare recipients.
Since Congress passed those changes, only an act of Congress can undo them.
Trump’s orders "simply say that the current president doesn't agree with the past one's political statements issued as executive orders," said Joseph Antos, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank. "If anyone wants to change the law, Congress has to pass a new law making that change."