As a veteran of the first gulf war, I became a Trump supporter the moment he told the Bush brothers and other war mongers that we had enough. When they stole the election from him in 2016. I went to 3 DC marches to protest. Stop the steal, Jerico March and Jan 6. I was not arrested because it was obvious to me that it was a setup. In my 2 previous trips no one was allowed close to the capital building. As I came toward the capital from the speech, I could already see small groups of people raising heck, maybe 200 ft from the capital, with just a few police there and no real way to stop anyone, completely different from what it was before. What they could not allow the world to see and hear, a peaceful protest with nearly a million people, shouting to stop the steal, while they voted. I hope Trump has no mercy on the criminals in both parties when he returns to power.