This is really turning into an interesting conversation. You are almost 100% correct IMO. Either the translators were sloppy when they translated different Greek words as the same English word evil, or it's a limitation of the English language that causes this confusion.
However, I say 'almost' because humans do not have to learn to do evil; they will do so naturally because of their fallen nature, ie separation from God,
However, I say 'almost' because humans do not have to learn to do evil; they will do so naturally because of their fallen nature, ie separation from God,
Maybe this is news to you but some people actually enjoy evil, they prefer it which is why some believe and some don't. And those who don't prefer evil? It has nothing to do with being smarter or better or any other glorious attribute people want to foolishly apply, it simply is the way we are. There are believers and there are unbelievers and the two will never mix like oil and water.