Why do we follow Jesus? Why do we follow Him and do His will if nothing seems to work out? Why has life gotten worse and worse and worse ever since we started reading the Bible and doing daily Christian activities? What is the point? Does God really fulfill the promises He has set for you? Or does He leave you hanging with nothing to be thankful for in the end? Why did we sign up for this?
Because, evil does not want you with Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Won (One) for you, does not want you to see Spiritually of God, how to not fight in flesh and blood over troubles at hand presently, in past or possibly future too. Jesus went to that cross "Willingly"
Did he go there for self? just a few people, just those good enough as we see in religion going on still. Went for all Hebrews 10:10
People in religion say oh yeah come on in, we accept you, have you confessed to God, are you cleaned up yet, you know you got to be water Baptized.
There are legalistic Churches, free Churches (Do whatever you want you are in) no need to get cleaned up.
Then, there is God's true Church "(Ecclesia)" the called out ones that trust God only in truth, that is not seen physically, naturally, the same as the air we breath, not seen naturally. we clean up willingly, God doe not force this on anyone, we decide from the true love of 1 Cor 13:4-7
2 Cor 5:16 we once knew him in the flesh, today no more, what is new? Spirit and Truth John 4:23-24 is in place now, in the risen Jesus for us the people to reside in and be willing to go through troubles too. I have gone through mine and can go through more, that is a fact. Yet no way could I have ever gone through what he went through on his way to save us in his resurrected life after death first willingly, for us to choose to believe it or not.
Col 1:21-23 I believe this as truth, even if sin again and have, yet do not want to. I do know this too, I get mad, angry, upset and think I want to get that other for whatever it is they are doing, have done and might do.
When this happens in thought(s) and I hear of go ahead get them. I respond with no I can't as in. Romans 2:1-4 teaches me, and seeing Romans 14:1-4 too
God is as real as the air I breath daily, for you too, you decide to believe God or not and be willing to go through troubles if need be too.
I am seeing a short while here on earth ion the flesh and blood nature, compared to eternity I believe God gives. I choose God over a short while here. I choose Love, God's type in 1 Cor 13:4-7 Thank you