I don't know about that, I'm hearing black inner city gang members are clear about her, it is hard to get any lower down than that. If they are clear it seems to me the only ones who aren't are those who love a lie and make a lie.
Yea I feel you on that and that's not wrong. What I mean though is they're the slave caste like they're the ones they do all work for her to their own hurt and they guaranteed get no reward for it. She's supposed to be their champion and go to battle for them, even more than she is supposed to attempt to seduce the middle and the right to her side, she is first and foremost supposed to fight on behalf her base. You just think sensibly, if she can't go to bat against Trump, even when she gets the rebuttal advantage, for the sake of her own people who fought so hard for her; how in the hell does one expect me to believe she is supposed to go up to bat against the likes of Putin for the American people as a whole? Not only does she lose by flaking out of the last battle, but its the most shameful way to lose and she extends the shame to her base since she abandoned them in their time of need after all they did for her and she left them holding the bag. For that reason I do feel bad for their more common people, yea they're evil and deceived too that is true, but dang, they get the rawest deal. It's like a watching a cult commit mass unaliving themselves but the leader herself ain't gonna drink that Kool Aid, so yea I do feel a little bad for the underlings. It didn't have to be that way for them.