They like to denounce Trump as an adulterer to try to get at the Christians, yet one wonders what their own status in that arena is. It's not like they can point ot Kamala and justify supporting her on that basis if they are actually coming at me genuine. Yea it is not denied that Trump is an adulterer, but if we're holding him to that then by this issue infamous slut Homewrecker Harris is totally out the window then like the Jezebel that she is, and it cannot be dismissed since that is the issue they raise. Trump is the only notorious whore in the race that has ever paid any part of the curse for that sin. He kept his family together, Kamala usurps the family, she has no children of her own and all her adulteries are with married men at that, there will be no excuses for her whoredoms and the whoredoms of her followers they will pay the deepest of curses. She not only commits but encourages the public to commit them, she makes them her primary policies even, and worse or perhaps it is that the public is so degenerated that it is what they want of themselves and she just caters to it. Indeed it is curious how the public at large are more like Trump and Kamala than me.
So then we will not hold it back any longer, the one argument to be revealed that can be made to drop support of Trump. It's a case of we only support Trump because we want the public to be blessed in America and for this we are biased because even if we be pure virgins we're Americans after all so we're biased to self-preservation. Yet there is a powerful argument to make that maybe despite our wll God has other plans and his will shall be done. Perhaps it is the public is so rotten and wicked and full of faithless hypocrites and adulterers and gays and whores and abominations and pagan aliens of all sorts to the point that they don't even deserve a chance to repent, much less any blessing, they don't deserve Trump. They deserve to fill up the full measure of their wickedness and be cursed from off the face of the Earth, not just physically killed, but spiritually killed as well too and destroyed entirely as a recognizable entity. to the point that even their memory will be cursed. Trump represents a path forward where the people would actually be blessed, it is a fitting that a public of even more hypocritical whores than him should reject him and their own chance at being blessed that they might testify and make certain that they are cursed and deserve it. Kamala in all her wickedness and sacrilege better represents the nation as a hypocriticial vapid homewrecking frat whore, not even with lineage old on the land, yea she is more or less an anchorbaby, a usurper of their mother, a true whore of Babylon the seduced their simp father and broke their family and turned them away from God to provoke him to destroy them and they went willingly after it. America deserves Kamala because America is more like a vicious harlot like Kamala than a repentant playboy like Trump that will ultimately sacrifice his ego for his family. Yea in this argument, though we don't want it, we can't really say it's too wrong either, but it could be said in all fairness and truth that America deserves to be cursed right up unto destruction because of all the ideology and doings and sins of the living generations which did so sinfully and so shamefully that not even some of the most ancient evil generations like that of Sodom and Gomorrah did like unto them.
We shall see though, the race ain't over yet, the blessings or the curses, it it will be decided and there will be no excuses after it before the throne of God. All will see the judgment very soon.