Nah there's no Christian democrats, just unbelievers that pretend to be Christian to try to entice Christians to tolerate or even worse support their evil causes. The democrats went too far in the past decades seemingly just to spite Christians, but even worse, than making themselves the enemies of man, they made themselves into the enemies of God, very foolish are they for this, and it is little wonder they are so cursed. Perhaps if Trump crushes them they will introspect and repent themselves and abandon their demonic causes, though I wouldn't hold my breath on that either. For what reason are 99% of abortions performed? I'll give you a hint, it's not rape, incest, or life of the mother which all combined make up 1%. If a presidential candidate came out and said he will throw the sodomites out of the land just like the heroes and good rulers of history did, surely he would not only win, but he would be blessed by Jesus.