I said the message had insight.
Here is some insight:
-Levites were seizing land (that they coveted) by falsely declaring leprosy on hapless citizens (Satan made them rich see Gen 14)
-signs and wonders (think in terms of 1 and 2nd Kings) instilled the fear of God in these Levites, and they were dumping the land,
much to the chagrin of the chief priest, as land prices were plummeting and worse people were repenting and thereby "freeing" themselves of the yolk of bondage
-Ananias (the Levite spy) was still in violation as he did not sell his holdings, but worse he was a co-conspirator with the High Priest and his mafia in a plot to seize and destroy the prophet of God Peter (think 1 & 2 Kings).
-the captains of the Temple, Caiphas, rulers, elders, scribes all correlate to the subjects of 1 & 2 Kings.
-Ananias dies at the word of Peter, just as Ahaziah dies at the word of Elijah
-the "young men" of Acts 5 correlate to the repentant Captain and their 50 of 1 Kings. These were Temple guards, a military force, who "switched sides" as the 3rd Captain of Elijah did.
The biggest takeaway is Genesis 14 and Abraham. Abraham "chose freedom" and refused to be a slave of Satan. Rather he refused the goods, took the souls (and gave THEM their freedom too) and tithed to Melchizedek.
This is an absurdly brief synopsis. It would take 10 or 20 hours to cover this material exhaustively. Whether you understand that or not
I cannot say.