So hard to fight ignorance. Especially with those that don’t care about facts.
Social Security and Medicare are disasters.
SS says you are too stupid to save for your retirement, so we’ll take your money and give it to you when you get old enough. I would have opted out if given the choice.
Medicare is a primary reason medical bills have skyrocketed the past 55 years. ALL of the original recipients contributed ZERO to the system.
The Veterans Administration was signed into law by Republican President Herbert Hoover in 1930. So that’s a leftist lie. ( Natural language of democrats).
The civil rights act of 1964 was passed by mostly republicans in congress, racist democrats fought tooth and nail against it.
Women’s suffrage was introduced and passed by the REPUBLICAN Senate and Congress in 1920. ( Boy do the democrats lie a lot!) How many blacks know that Abraham Lincoln and the GOP abolished slavery. Again, the Democrats wanted to keep blacks in chains.
Obamacare (ACA) was one of the worst pieces of legislation ever enacted, and continues to destroy our health care system in various ways.
The peace corps? Ummm ok whatever….
We can now see the end result of “minimum wage” laws. Mandated $20 an hour to flip burgers. Resulting in business closures, insane happy meal prices, and massive layoffs.
Unemployment insurance is more communist bs. Siphoning money from workers and businesses to feed the federal government.
The weekend! lol. You’re a joke.
And everything Democrats and unions touch turns to feces.