Work certainly can be stressful, mostly if we let it.
I work for a company with really inept managers.... managers over the planning, parts ordering, personnel, and work environment... the list is endless.... as is the "ineptness"... The "Peter Principle" really applies here...
All my life, I have been of the "company man' mentality. Gung ho, do whatever I can to improve the company, and make it successful. I've tried to offer suggestions, based on my experience, and to be satisfied with whatever the management decides.
At this company, I've had to really "re-wire" my outlook. I have found that our management does not want employees to think for themselves, or to offer suggestions. They want deaf and dumb worker bees.... "yes" men.
Since that goes against my whole nature, I've had to develop what I call the "Jimmy crack corn" attitude. I come to work, put in my 10 hours each day, and go home. Whatever happens, good or bad, with the company... I just don't care.
I firmly believe that with many large companies, it's the caring about what happens that causes the unnecessary stress.
This right here describes my condition at work too. Exactly the same!
I had to let go of a lot of things about 10 years ago because it was like you said, causing unnecessary stress for myself, because others don't care, they're happy in bliss and they have a lot of money because if they didn't, we wouldn't have this problem.
This type of atmosphere happens in pretty much all companies which involve some type of office work. Middle level managers do absolutely nothing, get paid doing nothing and they're there to screw up a process sometimes which is why i don't involve them in a lot of details because they'd just screw it up. So not only they're no help, but if you involve them, they will screw up any good thing or process.
Now couple that with the fact that i also do some work for the state (which is why i showed a pic of the state house), the government managers in general are completely useless in every aspect.
They might do things like:
* Let's hire a million dollar company to tell us what we already know.
* Or, You want some actual work done? What is this work you speak of? We will hire a contractor to do the actual work, who will then sub-contract to 5 other companies before we even see anybody doing any actual work.
Politicians and managers are very very busy thinking about work in their dreams, but when it comes time to put boots on the ground ...that's not their job or anybody else's job.
You just call a private company to do the work.
This type of mindset is not very prevalent with people who do non-office related work, like constructions, engineering, electrician, pluming, car mechanics etc.
But anything involving office-related work is essentially filled with bureaucrats, more so on the government sector as opposed to private.
Any industries involving insurance companies, lawyers, IT, anything involving money such as financial advisors, stocks and anything else that i might have missed.
This is why i have a lot of respect for Musk who fights this exact attitude in the States. Anything involving useless positions and especially DEI positions.
So yeah, take things one day at a time and enjoy things one day at a time.
Thank God we are blessed with being Believers and followers of Christ because nothing makes sense in the world and only He will fix it in due time.