You are welcome! The cog is the last in the line of icons above the message box when you are composing a post. When you hover your cursor over it, it will say, Toggle BB code. I did notice a post you replied to where the HTML quotes' coding had been somewhat messed with, which made the whole post display improperly. When that happens, check to see that both the opening and closing tags are there on the QUOTE and /QUOTE. The tags are [ and ]. If any of them is accidentally erased when quoting, it can cause endless amounts of confusion as to who said what to whom. You have a five-minute edit window to fix any errors, formatting, spelling, etc. And also delete. A large post that needs a lot of editing after posting may be best to take into edit mode, copy it, save by reposting, then delete it and start over with a paste of the saved content you copied.
You can always check your own post stream by hovering your cursor over your own avatar to the left of the message box. The number of posts' amount is a link to your post history. You can also search your own or anybody else's history using the magnifying glass at the upper right hand side of these pages. Key words are helpful but not necessary. Your avatar up there will also provide links when clicked. Your Content is your post history from there.