See, he just can't write anything much without resorting to some sort of first grade name calling. Much like his chosen politician. As I discuss on these threads and meet some of these really anxious folks about the upcoming election, that seem to be on the GOP side of things, I find that their attitude and actions often mimic the attitude and actions of the one that they hold so dear.
There is a decided undertone of fear, anxiety and general hate and distrust of pretty much everyone. And really, some of the conspiracy stuff that they believe and push just has to make you laugh... if it weren't so very, very sad. It is literally the working out of Paul's warning to us as to how people will be in the last days. As Jesus said, the love of most will grow cold. He even questioned if when he returned he would find any faith on the earth.
I can see that as it's unfolding in real life as we live out these last days on the earth. And it's going to get pretty rough, but I just pray that the United States isn't quite ready to move that agenda along. We'll see.
God bless and let's all vote wisely,