Hi @HealthAndHappiness
Why is the system too broken to rehabilitate? Can you not use the buildings that are used? Is the lighting in the classrooms not sufficient? What you need to rehabilitate are the rules and regulations. Why that can't be done within the confines of the existing system is beyond me. All you need to do is to convince a majority of parents in a particular school boundary, whether that be county or city or state or the broader national scale, to do it the way that you think it should be done.
What are you going to do? What is your proposal? That we just stop tomorrow having children go to school? Are you going to raise up some backroom group to take over the Department of Education nationally, and then all of the state and local school boards that also have their own rules and regulations and then install your group to rule with an iron fist the law of God in all that we teach our children? I'm curious to know how you're going to teach the creation account. 6,000 or 666,666,666,666,666 trillions of years?
I just don't see 'how' this process that is somehow unable to be rehabilitated, is going to be reborn under your proposal.
God bless and vote wisely.
Why is the system too broken to rehabilitate? Can you not use the buildings that are used? Is the lighting in the classrooms not sufficient? What you need to rehabilitate are the rules and regulations. Why that can't be done within the confines of the existing system is beyond me. All you need to do is to convince a majority of parents in a particular school boundary, whether that be county or city or state or the broader national scale, to do it the way that you think it should be done.
What are you going to do? What is your proposal? That we just stop tomorrow having children go to school? Are you going to raise up some backroom group to take over the Department of Education nationally, and then all of the state and local school boards that also have their own rules and regulations and then install your group to rule with an iron fist the law of God in all that we teach our children? I'm curious to know how you're going to teach the creation account. 6,000 or 666,666,666,666,666 trillions of years?
I just don't see 'how' this process that is somehow unable to be rehabilitated, is going to be reborn under your proposal.
God bless and vote wisely.