That means you are not for diversity you are simply against sexism and racism.
"Being for diversity" is simply sexism and racism dressed up. (Putting lipstick on a pig)
Agreed and I just want to clarify for others, this has nothing to do with our current members,
@Aaron56 and everyone else. I think we are all in the same page. We all need to have an understanding of the liberal/ Western socialist terminology.
It's a reminder that the reprobate leftists view of diversity and racism has nothing to do with reality or true virtue. They put on a show of self righteousness, justifying themselves while condemning Christians.
They have a twisted perversion of everything that is true. They consider anyone who will not allow their children to be exposed to them as the sexists, racists criminals that must be eliminated. This goes on anywhere they can slither their way into. The most common are the public schools and libraries.
Here's an Example of putting lipstick on a pig.
Except these pigs didn't run into the sea when the devils possessed them.
They sought out the most vulnerable and innocent instead.