The same thing happened with Adam, Eve and Cain. The commandment came to Adam and Eve. Sin was not in them. Satan tempted Eve and she was deceived and yielded to sin, Sin entered into her and she developed a sense of separation from God. in her heart and she began to die physically.
Adam had no sin, He disobeyed and sin came to life in a human for the second time. He developed a sense of alienation form God in his heart and his physical body began to die.
Cain and Abel were expressing thankfulness to God. Abel did this by freely offering of the firstfruits of their produce and his offering was pleasing to God. The Bible does not say that sin had yet entered Abel. Cain was not as thankful and gave a delayed offering of his later crop.. God was not pleased with Cain's imperfect offering. The commandment came to Cain to keep sin out. Cain yielded to sin, and killed his brother. Sin entered into Cain and again sin had come alive. in another person,.
Adam had no sin, He disobeyed and sin came to life in a human for the second time. He developed a sense of alienation form God in his heart and his physical body began to die.
Cain and Abel were expressing thankfulness to God. Abel did this by freely offering of the firstfruits of their produce and his offering was pleasing to God. The Bible does not say that sin had yet entered Abel. Cain was not as thankful and gave a delayed offering of his later crop.. God was not pleased with Cain's imperfect offering. The commandment came to Cain to keep sin out. Cain yielded to sin, and killed his brother. Sin entered into Cain and again sin had come alive. in another person,.