And exactly how does this intervention occur?
You can either believe the lie that God elects some for salvation and the majority for damnation, or you can believe the Gospel truth that because God desires the salvation of all humanity, Christ has commanded the Church to preach the Gospel TO EVERY CREATURE. Those who obey the Gospel are saved. Those who reject the Gospel are not.
TOTAL DEPRAVITY makes the false claim that the unsaved are totally incapable of understanding and believing the Gospel. vTherefore God gives the Holy Spirit to the unsaved "elect", and then they believe. You will not find this nonsense in Scripture. What you will find in Scripture is this:
1, First comes the preaching of the true Gospel.
2. Then comes the convicting and convincing of the Holy Spirit.
3, Then comes either repentance and faith, or no repentance and faith.
4. Then comes justification by grace through faith.
5. Then comes the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who obey the Gospel..
6. Then comes the supernatural New Birth, and all that follows in the saving plan of God.
7. Then comes sanctification by the power of the indwelling Spirit.
8. Then comes glorification at the Resurrection/Rapture.