If you really wanted to destroy America you would...
1. Surrender our energy independence
Reduce the leases on new oil and gas
Make war on coal and nuclear power
Cancel the arctic oil and gas field.
Over regulate and demonize frackers
2. Print trillions of dollars of new currency as lockdowns end to create unbearable inflation
3. End America's physical boundaries and allow 3 million illegal aliens to enter the country each year.
4. Destroy public trust in elections and weaponize the DOJ
5. Redefine crime as rich man's crime vs poor man's necessity.
6. Identify people by their appearance -- seek to be a victim and make money off of victimhood
7. Devalue the US abroad
8. Neuter the first amendment, silence unwanted speech by calling it hate speech
9. Demonize half of America as Fascists and domestic terrorists
10. Do not mention the origins of the Covid virus