Do we know how Yeshua lived his life?

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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
I don't follow your thinking on this. You see Yeshua was a vary out spoken man, and didn't really try to hide His teachings at all. He also understood that for one to sit by and do nothing, is much the same as giving a gree light to the faults teachings of the day.
In fact, when Yeshua gave the leaders of the day the truth, it was for everyone around to see. His teachings are still on display to this day, in the Word.
Once again I say, I don't much care what Paul has to say, this is a study on Yeshua, His life, and teachings. Not Paul. For that please go to my thread on Paul.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
John Chapter 6 comes next.

Jhn 6:14When the people saw him [fn] do this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, "Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!

For any that follow what I ask, and read the full chapter they know the feeding of some 5000 men was done with just a hand full of food. So what do we get from this? Is this just a nice story to show us His power or is there a bigger teaching we have missed for way to long?
As some may already know the fact that the feast of Passover was close at hand is a key. You see it was hard to get bread in this time, as everyone was getting ready for Passover, and so bread was high on the list of must have. Not just any bread mind you. Bakers may have already stopped making leavened bread, and were making unleavened bread for the feast. Yet Yeshua used His power to feed over 5000 people from what was at hand.
Sadly many can't see that Yeshua was showing us what the coming kingdom would be like. A kingdom where not one soul would ever hunger, and all our needs would be fulfilled.

Jhn 6:15When Jesus saw that they were ready to force him to be their king, he slipped away into the hills by himself.
There are some that might say Yeshua left so as not draw attention to Himself. However that would be wrong, after seeing this, the people would go tell everyone they knew about it. The reason Yeshua may have left might have been to stay true to all the prophecy about Him. His need to fulfill them in order, and with no interruption.
You see had they made Him king at that time, much of the prophecy about Him may not have fulfilled. Odds are even His sacrifice may not have been fulfilled. No matter your thinking on why He left, it should be clear that He had good reason, and that it had more to with His desire to fulfill HaShem's will than to work with man kind and seek a new way of doing things.

Jhn 6:30They answered, "Show us a miraculous sign if you want us to believe in you. What can you do?

How short the memory of those that were there. As we see just the day before they were fed from what most likely enoght for 10 people if that. Yet they are calling on Him to do more. Much like some do today, they want to see His power at work in their lives. Riches, and other earthly things they ask for. When it does come they may think HaShem has turned their backs on them. You see, in today's world it seems to be all about them. What do they get from it? Where is my big home, fancy car, extra large bank account, and so on.

Jhn 6:32Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, Moses didn't give you bread from heaven. My Father did. And now he offers you the true bread from heaven.

In a time when we see so called faith healers, that say THEY can heal you, HaShem is forgotten. As Yeshua makes clear in the above passage, it isn't man at work, it is HaShem. So if a person tells you, "I can heal you." Understand that it isn't them, and run.

Jhn 6:35Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Now we all know that we still to eat to stay alive, at lest for now. I love that so many teachings come from this passage, however we are forced to ask, do we have a full understanding of this? For us humans to say we hold the only truth is a bit on the arrogant side. After all, the idea that we know everything is nothing more than pride. Oh I hear it now, "Look who's talking." So ok I will say now as I have many times. We know we don't know it all, that is why we study. A big part of study for us is that we question everything. Even when it comes from us, and we stand in agreement, we question it.
So why do we spend so much time on any topic. To be 100% sure we are looking at every thing the Word has to say on any topic.
We have found that Yeshua gave the creadit to HaShem for the feeding of the people in the wilderness. In doing so, He has placed us on notice that we must place the acts of HaShem at His feet, and never try to say I did that thank you ever so much.
Just as when something bad comes about, like say 911. Many will try to place it at HaShem's feet. Why did He let this happen, where was He, and other things that I heard from people.
More on chapter 6 next time.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Matthew 13:10-17 contradicts this thought.
If you say so, however let us look at what it has to say, then brake it down.

Mat 13:10His disciples came and asked him, "Why do you use parables when you talk to the people?"

Mat 13:11He replied, "You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not.

Yeshua was asked why He used parables when speaking to the people. We should note that just before that He went to sit by the lake. Not a good hiding place if you wish to not be seen. Now if you are trying to stay low key, you would leave if a large group of folks came up, and started asking you about things. Yet He didn't, He stayed and talked with them. That doesn't lead one to see a person that wants to stay unknown. low key, or what ever one wishes to call it.
Then even as today, if a well know teacher is speaking on a topic people wish to understand better, there will always be a larg number of people there. The teachings, if agreeable with those people, will be passed on, and the name of the teacher is always part of the telling.

Mat 13:12To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them. Mat 13:13That is why I use these parables, For they look, but they don't really see. They hear, but they don't really listen or understand.

From this I see nothing that says Yeshua was on the down low, or trying to stay clear of the lime light if you like that better. As we know human nature would draw some unwanted attention from the leaders of the day.
So let us look at this passage that does show Yeshua was not trying to stay out of the lime light. I do ask that you read the full chapter to be sure I stay in context.

Mat 12:6I tell you, there is one here who is even greater than the Temple!
Here we have Yeshua speaking to the Pharisee. Something that He knew would be brought before the Sanhedrin. That was not low key. It also placed him on a watch list for sure.

Mat 21:12Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out all the people buying and selling animals for sacrifice. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves.
Now that kind of action is going to draw a lot of attention for sure.

Mat 21:14The blind and the lame came to him in the Temple, and he healed them.
So much for low key. Doing this in the temple would mean that everyone there would see it, or hear about it before He ever left.

Mat 21:23When Jesus returned to the Temple and began teaching, the leading priests and elders came up to him. They demanded, “By what authority are you doing all these things? Who gave you the right?”
I can hear Yeshua now. "Noone will notice me teaching in the temple, so lets go there it's all kind of privet. Need I go on? I am sure that with just this hand full of passages it becomes clear He was on the down low, or trying not to be known. However if you wish we can go on, after all we are here to talk about His life, teachings, and faith.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
One thing I should add, sorry it didn't come to mind before now. Anyone that comes to Yeshua will never hunger, we have came to the agreement that this is speaking of our time in Heaven. After all any true follower is going to be hungry for for the truth, and thrust for understanding. Ok now we can move on.

Jhn 6:37However, those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.
Jhn 6:38For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will.

We will see this again in time. Just know that Yeshua was part humon, and as we know He prayed that if it were possible, haShem would remove the cup from Him. However, as we know, Yeshua added, "Not my will but yours be done." Maybe not in those same words I would need to look it up to be sure.

Jhn 6:40For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day."
Now we could get off track here so easily, I do however ask that we stay the path. Still in that day we will all have a lot to be thankful for. That is if we find the right path to follow. I know I have to ask my self often, "Is this really right?" When that comes up, I so thankful for the ones that share the same line of thinking. You see if we never ask ourself this, we become stagnet, and unable to learn more.

Jhn 6:45As it is written in the Scriptures, 'They will all be taught by God.' Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me.
Oddly this passage has been debated by us many times. The new covenant comes to mind every time. After all it is there that we find the same idea, of learning. Would we not be better off to take it to heart, place our trusting faithfulness in HaShem, and follow His teachings over that of men?

Jhn 6:51I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh."
Now who can anyone speak of the teachings of Yeshua without having this passage come up? Yes I know, much like the lady that was healed by faith through simply touching the hem of His garment is not heard much anymore. However we will get to that in time.
So what did Yeshua mean by His flesh is the bread? Did he mean that when we take bread at Passover and give thanks for His sacrifice that it becomes real human flesh? Not hardly.

Jhn 6:53So Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.
As we should know eating human flesh is a sin, yet Yeshua without doing so we can't get into heaven. We have concluded that this is not talking of ripping off an arm and eating it is needed. Rather that we except His sacrifice for us. doing so is our way of stating that His blood has washed us clean, and His strips are what makes us whole. Kind of like when some tells you they devoured a book. You know they didn't eat, it is just that they really liked it, and read it in a short time. Same holds true here we think. We Love Yeshua, and so we go about eating up everything He ever said or done. We wish for His ways to become part of our DNA if you will.
Although it does explain this passage.

Jhn 6:66At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.
They had no idea what He was saying, and could only see the wrong in eating human flesh, so they thought, "Well that's it for me. No way you can get into heaven through sin."
Until next time, may you find some thing in this thread that helps you. After all, useing one passage to remove another, or change it's true intent will never lead to truth. Being as Yeshua is the way, the truth, and the light, coming to truth is coming to Him.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Matthew 13:10-17 contradicts this thought.
I think I should apologize for the way I said things in that last post. I had spent the day with my sisiter, and sarcastic humor is just how we do it. It did however spill over into my post. Doesn't change what the meaning of what I said, just that I should change how I say it some times.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Jhn 6:67Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, "Are you also going to leave?"

It is rather interesting that in the last post on this we seen that many of the disciples had turned away from Him. Yet here we find the 12 had not. This leads one to the truth of there being more than just 12. However as we must understand, is that the 12 were His closest followers, and best students. The rest may have been there for free food, and nothing more. It doesn't say they were bad people, just that the cost of salvation may have been to high for them, or as I said already, the idea of eating human flesh was not something they wished to do.
Yet when the 12 stayed with they answered this question in a way that many should find inspiring.

Jhn 6:68Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.

Jhn 6:69We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God.

Thats a lot of faith in someone that you have only followed for a short time. Just think of the people that left, and what they have missed. I also ask that you keep in mind as we move forward. You see there other times when we miss something becouse we simply look at it from our own point of view, rather than stop and consider other passages that can shine light one the one we are looking at.
When we return, we will be looking at other passages that fall into this category.


Senior Member
May 26, 2016
I think I should apologize for the way I said things in that last post. I had spent the day with my sisiter, and sarcastic humor is just how we do it. It did however spill over into my post. Doesn't change what the meaning of what I said, just that I should change how I say it some times.
no worries, bro, i didn't think there was anything wrong with your demeanor.

sarcastic humor is how we do in my family, too. :)


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
no worries, bro, i didn't think there was anything wrong with your demeanor.

sarcastic humor is how we do in my family, too. :)
Glad to hear that. Though in all truth I need to do better about keeping it off here.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
As we move into chapter 7 we find the feast of Sukkot as the back drop. So let's see what we can learn from this chapter.

Jhn 7:1After this, Jesus traveled around Galilee. He wanted to stay out of Judea, where the Jewish leaders were plotting his death.

From this opening we can see that Yeshua had made Him self some not friendly friends. Ok so they weren't really His friends, they were just poor souls that wanted to kill Him.

Jhn 7:2But soon it was time for the Jewish Festival of Shelters,

Now one thing I would like to make clear here. The feast maybe seen as Jewish in todays way of thinking. However as we find in Lev. 23, they are the HaShem's feast. I know that many will say I am wrong, only it isn't me that said this, it is HaShem Who said they were His.

Jhn 7:3and Jesus' brothers said to him, "Leave here and go to Judea, where your followers can see your miracles!
Jhn 7:4You can't become famous if you hide like this! If you can do such wonderful things, show yourself to the world!" Jhn 7:6Jesus replied, "Now is not the right time for me to go, but you can go anytime.

As some of you may have seen, the idea of Yeshua wishing to remain out of the lime light has been brought out in this thread. This passage may leand it's self to this idea. Though it may seem that way at first, we must keep in mind how this chapter opened. Yeshua wasn't trying to hide, or limit His exposure to the world. He was simply doing what had to be done. It wasn't His time to sacrifice His life, so He was simply doing what had to be done, in order for Him to fulfill His appointed time. More on that when we get to His sacrifice.

Jhn 7:7The world can't hate you, but it does hate me because I accuse it of doing evil.

Now I know full well that when one makes this kind of accusation, people can become some what hurt in their sitting spot. trust me on this, Yeshua isn't a coward. As we all know He stood strong when faced with death. Some say He was doing what He had to in order to protect His followers. You see, like any ideology, it can only be stopped when their is no one left to push it forward. The leaders of that time understood this, and wanted nothing more to put an end to Yeshua, and His teachings. That would, by necessity mean to get ride of His followers as well. As witness to this thinking amung the people, John seen fit to add this.

Jhn 7:13But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they were afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish leaders.

Jhn 7:14Then, midway through the festival, Jesus went up to the Temple and began to teach.

We are not told what Yeshua was teaching on at this point. Just that the people were shocked by it. Some wanted to know how He understood scripture so well, when He had no schooling. Knowing this Yeshua said.

Jhn 7:16So Jesus told them, "My message is not my own; it comes from God who sent me.

As we know the Word, from Gen. through Rev. is the inspired Word of HaShem. Every passage, word, and thought came from Him. Yeshua the man was just a tool to get it out there, just as anyone that has the curage to stand up and teach the truth today is nothing more than a tool. Once we turn our lives over to HaShem, and willing give Him control over our lives, we become a tool in His tool box. For some it means they do His work, no matter what opposition they may face. Even if it means losing ones life. So why would a person be so willing to give their life for truth? Simply to bring glory to HaShem. It has nothing to with our selves, and everything to do with our King.

Jhn 7:17Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.
Some will say many things about myself, and others like me. They will brake down and use names they think are hurtfull. Sorry folks, when you resort to name calling, you simply show how weak your argument truly is. Although I will say this. When others say I am a Judaizer, I take it as a compliment. Why, because it is a privilege to be find that I am doing, teaching, and living according to the teachings of our savior. More on that later as well.

Jhn 7:18Those who speak for themselves want glory only for themselves, but a person who seeks to honor the one who sent him speaks truth, not lies.

Trust me, there is nothing less appealing than one teaching the ideas of man, and using scripture to try and negate scripture. Giving glory to HaShem, by teaching His Word, His power, and His kingdom is the only way to go. If we face hardship, give HaShem the glory for it. In the end you will find that your life is better after, than it was before. Just look at Job as our example for this.
We will pick up here when we return. I do hope this finds it's reason for being put down. It is clear to us that we have given HaShem our minds, and fingers to use as He will. So from that we place our trusting, faithfulness in his Word. We stand on the truth that His Word, will not come back to Him void. Is. 55:11

Anyone reading this. please know you are in my prayers, and let us alll pray for one another.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
In the last post we seen that Yeshua had some hard words for us. I know that many people think they teach the truth, yet as I said in this thread, the use of one passage to try and negate another, isn't teaching truth at all. Rather it is spreading the same lies that man has passed down for close to 1500 years. Ok lets move on.

Jhn 7:19Moses gave you the law, but none of you obeys it! In fact, you are trying to kill me."
Jhn 7:20The crowd replied, "You're demon possessed! Who's trying to kill you?"
Jhn 7:21Jesus replied, "I did one miracle on the Sabbath, and you were amazed.
Jhn 7:22But you work on the Sabbath, too, when you obey Moses' law of circumcision. (Actually, this tradition of circumcision began with the patriarchs, long before the law of Moses.)

Some have used the above passage to try and show why the Law was removed. In doing so they can't answer the one question that must be answered. That being Mat. 5:17-18. In all truth, what Yeshua is speaking of here, is the things most know in their heart, just were unwilling to openly admit. Now before anyone fires off on the Jewish people try to understand something. They faced the same thing many today face. That being that the Law had became something it was not intended to be.
You will see as we move on that Yeshua spent a lot of his time teaching the truth of the law. In said teachings we find that the Law was never intended to. Over time, the law had become more about the physical action of Temple services, and almost nothing was left to show the spiritual aspects of the law. Yes the law is more spiritual than physical, always has been.
Now the idea of doing work on Shabbat doesn't mean that we are good to just forget Shabbat, and do what ever we feel is right. It also doesn't mean that nothing is to be done on Shabbat. The short answer to this is as follows. Any job that saves lives, property, and so on, is good work. This is the kind of job that has no sin, even when done on Shabbat. Even the work in the Temple was to be done on Shabbat, not just circumcision. The offerings, sacrifices, and teaching of Torah were all things that are allowed. When we look at the other gospels, we find more instances of this, so lets move on.

Jhn 7:23For if the correct time for circumcising your son falls on the Sabbath, you go ahead and do it so as not to break the law of Moses. So why should you be angry with me for healing a man on the Sabbath?
Jhn 7:24Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly."

Something many people have a problem doing is looking at the intent of another's teachings. They see that a person follows the law as best they can, and they go blind. Nothing that person has to say from that point on means anything. They are so convinced they are right, that nothing will change them, and as I said many times, they will try to use scripture to discredit scripture. They will not reply to anything that may force them to admit they maybe wrong. Like if you ask about the things they are willing to say is sin, they may just walk away rather than say yes those things are sin. You see once you say something is a sin, you must then admit that the Law is valid even today. After what is sin? It is a transgression of the law. 1John 3:8. Only when seeks to understand the ideas of another, can they learn, or understand the Word for it's teachings.

Jhn 7:25Some of the people who lived in Jerusalem started to ask each other, "Isn't this the man they are trying to kill?
Jhn 7:26But here he is, speaking in public, and they say nothing to him. Could our leaders possibly believe that he is the Messiah?
Jhn 7:27But how could he be? For we know where this man comes from. When the Messiah comes, he will simply appear; no one will know where he comes from."

One can search the word cover to cover, and find nothing that says we will not know where Yeshua came from. In fact just the opposite is true. See Micah 5:1. So we can see here that they had a misunderstanding as to what the Word really said, much like many today do.
As we move on we will start to see many things that the people did wrong, and how the teachings of their religious leades had misunderstood scripture leading them down the wrong path. Until then I do hope to see that someone is reading this. If not, we will see this through to the end, and place it in HaShem's hands to do with as He wills.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
In the last post we seen that Yeshua had some hard words for us. I know that many people think they teach the truth, yet as I said in this thread, the use of one passage to try and negate another, isn't teaching truth at all. Rather it is spreading the same lies that man has passed down for close to 1500 years. Ok lets move on.

Jhn 7:19Moses gave you the law, but none of you obeys it! In fact, you are trying to kill me."
Jhn 7:20The crowd replied, "You're demon possessed! Who's trying to kill you?"
Jhn 7:21Jesus replied, "I did one miracle on the Sabbath, and you were amazed.
Jhn 7:22But you work on the Sabbath, too, when you obey Moses' law of circumcision. (Actually, this tradition of circumcision began with the patriarchs, long before the law of Moses.)

Some have used the above passage to try and show why the Law was removed. In doing so they can't answer the one question that must be answered. That being Mat. 5:17-18. In all truth, what Yeshua is speaking of here, is the things most know in their heart, just were unwilling to openly admit. Now before anyone fires off on the Jewish people try to understand something. They faced the same thing many today face. That being that the Law had became something it was not intended to be.
You will see as we move on that Yeshua spent a lot of his time teaching the truth of the law. In said teachings we find that the Law was never intended to. Over time, the law had become more about the physical action of Temple services, and almost nothing was left to show the spiritual aspects of the law. Yes the law is more spiritual than physical, always has been.
Now the idea of doing work on Shabbat doesn't mean that we are good to just forget Shabbat, and do what ever we feel is right. It also doesn't mean that nothing is to be done on Shabbat. The short answer to this is as follows. Any job that saves lives, property, and so on, is good work. This is the kind of job that has no sin, even when done on Shabbat. Even the work in the Temple was to be done on Shabbat, not just circumcision. The offerings, sacrifices, and teaching of Torah were all things that are allowed. When we look at the other gospels, we find more instances of this, so lets move on.

Jhn 7:23For if the correct time for circumcising your son falls on the Sabbath, you go ahead and do it so as not to break the law of Moses. So why should you be angry with me for healing a man on the Sabbath?
Jhn 7:24Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly."

Something many people have a problem doing is looking at the intent of another's teachings. They see that a person follows the law as best they can, and they go blind. Nothing that person has to say from that point on means anything. They are so convinced they are right, that nothing will change them, and as I said many times, they will try to use scripture to discredit scripture. They will not reply to anything that may force them to admit they maybe wrong. Like if you ask about the things they are willing to say is sin, they may just walk away rather than say yes those things are sin. You see once you say something is a sin, you must then admit that the Law is valid even today. After what is sin? It is a transgression of the law. 1John 3:8. Only when seeks to understand the ideas of another, can they learn, or understand the Word for it's teachings.

Jhn 7:25Some of the people who lived in Jerusalem started to ask each other, "Isn't this the man they are trying to kill?
Jhn 7:26But here he is, speaking in public, and they say nothing to him. Could our leaders possibly believe that he is the Messiah?
Jhn 7:27But how could he be? For we know where this man comes from. When the Messiah comes, he will simply appear; no one will know where he comes from."

One can search the word cover to cover, and find nothing that says we will not know where Yeshua came from. In fact just the opposite is true. See Micah 5:1. So we can see here that they had a misunderstanding as to what the Word really said, much like many today do.
As we move on we will start to see many things that the people did wrong, and how the teachings of their religious leades had misunderstood scripture leading them down the wrong path. Until then I do hope to see that someone is reading this. If not, we will see this through to the end, and place it in HaShem's hands to do with as He wills.
Does your interpretation of the scripture propose that the entire law, and the prophets are still in full force?


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Yes it does. However before you turn to Paul to try and say this is wrong, keep in mind for the purpose of this thread, Paul holds nothing that would further ones understand of Yeshua, His life, teachings, or faith.
Also before you say I am wrong answer this.
Are the following a form of sin? Homosexuality, theft, murder, worship of other gods, lying, coveting, and misusing His Word. Are they sin? If you say, you then show you do follow the Law, if you say no, then you show you have no love for Yeshua, or HaShem. As I will show from the teachings of Yeshua Him Self.
Keep in mind that we are talking of Yeshua's teachings here, and that is what will be used to show our point. We will also if needed show that Yeshua did indeed keep all 613 laws in the Torah.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Does your interpretation of the scripture propose that the entire law, and the prophets are still in full force?
What no answer at all? Some how I know it would turn out that way. You see, when one understands that sin is only counted when the law is in place, they understand the law must be in place. Just as you seem to understand, you simply don't want it to be enforce for what ever reason. Now lets move on with the stated purpose of this study. Stick around you may learn something.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
What no answer at all? Some how I know it would turn out that way. You see, when one understands that sin is only counted when the law is in place, they understand the law must be in place. Just as you seem to understand, you simply don't want it to be enforce for what ever reason. Now lets move on with the stated purpose of this study. Stick around you may learn something.
You are in conflict with the apostle Paul.

Law and Grace.
Old covenant and new covenant.
New commandment and old commandments.
The Spirit and the letter.
Tablets of stone and tablets of human hearts.
Freedom and the yoke of slavery.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all people, revealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3:7-9
But if the ministry of death, engraved in letters on stones, came with glory so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness excel in glory.

2 Corinthians 3:15-17
But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts; but whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Galatians 5:1
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:4-6
You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the Law, you have fallen from grace. For we, through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.

Galatians 5:13-14
For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Moving on with the intent of this study, we will find that some may wish to derail it as they did when I first opened this thread. Just keep in mind we are looking at Yeshua, His teaching, faith, and how He lived. So what you see are not my words for the most part. So if you wish to debate any thing said here, you will be arguing with scripture and not us.
Now let us pick up where left off.

Jhn 7:28While Jesus was teaching in the Temple, he called out, "Yes, you know me, and you know where I come from. But I'm not here on my own. The one who sent me is true, and you don't know him.

As can be seen in many post, in every thread I have opened, this is as true today as it was when Yeshua spoke these words. Many think they understand just Who HaShem is, yet have vary little understanding of His law, the feast, or what He told Moses. That really needs to change.

Jhn 7:29But I know him because I come from him, and he sent me to you."

Jhn 7:30Then the leaders tried to arrest him; but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.
We all know that what HaShem has said will be done, in His time not ours. So it should not be a shock to find that when men try to act, in a manner that might disrupt HaShem's timing, they fall on their face so to speak.

Jhn 7:31Many among the crowds at the Temple believed in him. "After all," they said, "would you expect the Messiah to do more miraculous signs than this man has done?"

Jhn 7:32When the Pharisees heard that the crowds were whispering such things, they and the leading priests sent Temple guards to arrest Jesus.

Jhn 7:33But Jesus told them, "I will be with you only a little longer. Then I will return to the one who sent me.

Jhn 7:34You will search for me but not find me. And you cannot go where I am going."

Where are you going that we can't follow? I am sure that some were asking this in their minds. The answer as we know, or should, is that Yeshua was going to be with HaShem. A place we simply can't go with the bodies we now have. In some cases people will only be there long enough face judgment.

Jhn 7:35The Jewish leaders were puzzled by this statement. "Where is he planning to go?" they asked. "Is he thinking of leaving the country and going to the Jews in other lands? Maybe he will even teach the Greeks!

This may seem odd, yet we must keep in mind the law of that time. You see if Yeshua did go to the gentile and teach, He could be killed. In that time any gentile that went into a gentile home, or talked with them out side of doing business, would be stoned. This is backed by scripture, as in the case of Peter. We will get to that in time, as we intend to move into Acts once we are done with with the gospels.

Jhn 7:36What does he mean when he says, 'You will search for me but not find me,' and 'You cannot go where I am going'?"

Jhn 7:37On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, "Anyone who is thirsty may come to me!

Now to turly understand this, one must have at lest a little understanding of the feast. Though we have confined ourselves to the gospels, so to get in that is a bit out bonds for now. You see to understand them, we must look at the Torah.

Jhn 7:38Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, 'Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.'

So what is this river? It is understanding, and a full understanding of all scripture, not just one writer, or one part. As hinted at, and said flat out in many of the threads I have on here. One simply can't get a full understanding of sripture until they know the Torah. (There is a thread on here that we used to try to help any that may wish to see this in action. We are also debateing opening a thread that will let you challenge this in what ever way you wish. Just keep in mind, this is not that thread.

Jhn 7:39(When he said "living water," he was speaking of the Spirit, who would be given to everyone believing in him. But the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus had not yet entered into his glory.)

I have seen this passage used to try and say NO ONE WAS FILLED with the Spirit until after Pentecost. However when we look at the prophets we find they were filled with the Spirit of HaShem. So why is being filled with the spirit even a thing? Well as we see in the Tanakh, the Spirit of HaShem is what opened the door for them to see, understand, and teach what was to come.

Jhn 7:40When the crowds heard him say this, some of them declared, "Surely this man is the Prophet we've been expecting."

Jhn 7:41Others said, "He is the Messiah." Still others said, "But he can't be! Will the Messiah come from Galilee?

Jhn 7:42For the Scriptures clearly state that the Messiah will be born of the royal line of David, in Bethlehem, the village where King David was born."

Keep in mind when Yeshua was born, not a lot of people know about it. They didn't have any form of birth certificate, so they really had no idea where he was born. They did however know as is seen, where He was to be born. Although we hold little hope that had they known, it would have changed anything.
I am going to stop here for now. There is a lot of info in any study of Yeshua. Call it by any name you wish, however, giving it a fancy name doesn't change anything. It must always follow what the Word tells us, or it is a pointless endeavor.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
You are in conflict with the apostle Paul.

Law and Grace.
Old covenant and new covenant.
New commandment and old commandments.
The Spirit and the letter.
Tablets of stone and tablets of human hearts.
Freedom and the yoke of slavery.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all people, revealing yourselves, that you are a letter of Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

2 Corinthians 3:3
Who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

2 Corinthians 3:7-9
But if the ministry of death, engraved in letters on stones, came with glory so that the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face, fading as it was, how will the ministry of the Spirit fail to be even more with glory? For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, much more does the ministry of righteousness excel in glory.

2 Corinthians 3:15-17
But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts; but whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Galatians 5:1
It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:4-6
You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by the Law, you have fallen from grace. For we, through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love.

Galatians 5:13-14
For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
So Yeshua is wrong and Paul is right got it. As I said this a study on the life, faith, and teachings of Yeshua. Not Paul, so I am not going to entertain Paul. Find where Yeshua said our understnading is in conflick with the teachings of Yeshua and we will talk. Also answer the question I asked before you try ot make a point from nothing.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
One thing many seem to either not know, or wish it wasn't true, not sure why or when this changed. When we see that any of them use the word scripture, they are speaking of the Tanakh. You see until we understand this as fact, there is little hope of ever truly understanding the truth of their words. You see there was no N.T. until around 350 AD.

Jhn 7:43So the crowd was divided about him.

Jhn 7:44Some even wanted him arrested, but no one laid a hand on him.

Not every one understood the teachings of Yeshua, and some were even upset that He would teach the truth. At lest when it made clear they were on the wrong path. Now there may be some that wish to try and use our words to say, "See the Jewish people are evil." Just keep in mind we have never said that. In fact we have not said that about anyone.
Just as today, some are seeking the truth, and not just their idea of truth. So we today have over 1000 denominations to pick from. All one needs to do is look, and they will find a church that tells them it is ok to live a sinful life. In fact some churches will even open their leadership to homosexuals. Trust me they will argue that it isn't a sin.

Jhn 7:45When the Temple guards returned without having arrested Jesus, the leading priests and Pharisees demanded, "Why didn't you bring him in?"

Jhn 7:46"We have never heard anyone speak like this!" the guards responded.

Jhn 7:47"Have you been led astray, too?" the Pharisees mocked.

Jhn 7:48"Is there a single one of us rulers or Pharisees who believes in him?

Jhn 7:49This foolish crowd follows him, but they are ignorant of the law. God's curse is on them!"

They ask if anyone of them had believed in Yeshua. Though when looked at one may find they asked it thinking the only answer was no. Yet as we will see, there may have one that did believe what Yeshua had to say. There is some that think he kept this fact to himself, out of fear, others think he hadn't excepted Yeshua's teachings. No matter what we may think or not, most everyone we speak with holds that know Yeshua, yet know so little about Him, and even less about His teachings.
Should we not know more about Yeshua than we do? Should not His teachings hold more authority than Paul, Peter, or the leaders of any church today? After all, He is our only hope for salvation, not a single person that ever walked this earth can bring us salvation, no church name, none of mans teachings, or hope can. If we don't know Him, His teachings, faith, or life, how will we ever hope to enter His Kingdom? One more thing on this, then we will move on. When the beast of Rev. 13 comes, how will you know if it the beast, or Yeshua? In fact many won't know. As they won't know the true voice of our king.

Jhn 7:50Then Nicodemus, the leader who had met with Jesus earlier, spoke up.

Jhn 7:51"Is it legal to convict a man before he is given a hearing?" he asked.

I know we are not talk of politics on here, yet in the last 3 years, it has been clear to us that today is much the same as it was back then. So many people have made up their mind about the guilt of one man, even though he was tried, they still claim his guilt. So I ask the same thing now. Is it right to convict anyone with out even knowing why they follow the truth they have found? Should we not be a little more understanding?

Jhn 7:52They replied, "Are you from Galilee, too? Search the Scriptures and see for yourself—no prophet ever comes from Galilee!"

When we look at something that has never been seen by us before, does it then make that thing untrue? Not really, you see when we judge by what we are told is truth, doesn't mean our judgement is sound. If it where, then we would have no need to try and use one passage to nullify another.
Now keep in mind that from this point, [The most ancient Greek manuscripts do not include John 7:53–8:11.] It may have been a part of the oral tradition in the early western church. then added at some point. there are other places this may be the case, we will note them as we get to them, and you can decide for your selves.

Jhn 7:53 Then the meeting broke up, and everybody went home.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2017
Before we move into chapter 8, we feel the need to give a little insight into the feast of Sukkot, (booths). To understand the full context of what was playing out here, one should at lest look at the feast Yeshua was taking part in. As some may know already, Sukkot is a feast of remembrance. It is to remind us of the time Israel spent in the wilderness, and how HaShem both protected, and met their needs. Yeshua, as some may know, must fulfill every prophecy ever given about Him. Sadly many have over looked this in their churches, and are missing a big part of the greatest love story ever told. All 7 feast show us a part of the work Yeshua must do. By not understanding them, we run a greater risk of not knowing if we are seeing the Beast of Rev.13, or if it is really Yeshua. As will be seen in post to come.
As for Sukkot, what follows comes from the Mishnah, (at lest I hope I remeber that right.) Yes I know not many people take the time to really study almost anything. sadly they miss out on so much in due to this short coming. We are not going to try to cover everything, just the end of the feast.
There would be 4 menorahs set up inside the Temple court yard. That would be the inner court, where the sacrifices were made. They stud about 75 feet tall, and the bowls that held the oil held around 2.375 gallons, the wicks were made from the worn out vestments of the high priest. They gave enough light so that no one in side the inner court was in the dark. Close to the end of the feast is where where this chapter picks up. One last thing, Sukkot was a joyous time.
Now lets move forward. I do ask that you keep in mind the first 11 verses were not a part of the oldest available text.

Jhn 8:1Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives,

Keep in mind that things were getting a bit heated, and the leaders of religious law. Don't confuse this with Biblical law. Though they do have the same root, one has been perverted, and the other Yeshua teaches on. There will be more on this as we move into Mat. chapters 5-7.

Jhn 8:2but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them.
Jhn 8:3As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.
Jhn 8:4"Teacher," they said to Jesus, "this woman was caught in the act of adultery.
Jhn 8:5The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?"

This was a st up to get Yeshua to say anything that might be seen as Him going against Torah.

Jhn 8:6They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger.

In the oral teachings, some say Yeshua was writing the sins of the men that brought the lady to Him. In so doing they would have looked at what He was doing, and seen their sins layed out for everyone to see, if they simply looked. So what Yeshua said next hit home with them.

Jhn 8:7They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"
Jhn 8:8Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
Jhn 8:9When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman.
Jhn 8:10Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, "Where are your accusers? Didn't even one of them condemn you?"
Jhn 8:11"No, Lord," she said.
And Jesus said, "Neither do I. Go and sin no more."

There is a lot that can be said of this encounter, however as we are here to teach and not condemn, the big take away should be that we should never try to belittle, or look at another as lost when we know nothing about them. After all once one looks at the sin in their own life, it becomes harder to convict another. Yet as you read through this thread you may well find some that freely pass judgement on others for nothing more than daring to stand up for truth. How can one tell this is the case, by simply looking at the unanswered questions. Oh they will say they did answer them, yet when looked at, what is found is a non-answer that attempts to change the distract from the real question. This always done by attempting to use one passage to negate the true meaning of another.

Jhn 8:12Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life."

As we should know Yeshua is the light of the world. When we walk in His light, we are open to truth, even when it is something we may not like.

Jhn 8:13The Pharisees replied, "You are making those claims about yourself! Such testimony is not valid."

There are many things in life that remind us of this passage. The action of one passing judgement on another, when they know nothing of the one they judge is the most common that we see.

Jhn 8:14Jesus told them, "These claims are valid even though I make them about myself. For I know where I came from and where I am going, but you don't know this about me.
Jhn 8:15You judge me by human standards, but I do not judge anyone.

That last staement by Yeshua has been said in many ways. The one that stayed with me however is one we found in the writings of of a wise old Jewish teacher. ( This may not be a direct quote so please don't try and pass it off as being so. ) It is something like this. We as man kind feel the need to make right our understanding, so we only judge things by what we hope is truth. Even to the point of becomeing more like the Pharisees, in the way we defend the doctrine of men. Or as I am known for saying, denominational doctrine. Oddly there are some that become so irrational when their understanding is challenged, it seems if they could, they would happily kill the challenger.

I will stop here for now, and hay who knows, there may be at lest one person out there that has found they want a little more info on this. Don;t be scared, the ones that want to bring this to an end are only out to make themselves look smarter than HaShem, and the world. They can't harm you.

Isa 54:17But in that coming day
no weapon turned against you will succeed.
You will silence every voice
raised up to accuse you.
These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the LORD;
their vindication will come from me.
I, the LORD, have spoken!


All we know about Him is recorded in scripture, is it not? If we know the scriptures we know how He lived His life. I get the feeling there's something about His life that you think a lot of people are missing. If so, could you just say what that is.
Hello, new here... learing is a process, such is HIS life and example to. I appreciate a comment I saw earlier, to the one who started the post, could you kindly say what it is you think people are missing? That's a great question; Also, to the comment that all we know about HIM is written in scripture, is it not? Consider then John 21:25 Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.

I appreciate the challenge with this thought and notion, although I don't believe God shorted us or gave us a disadvantage by not giving us enough material in the Bible to read upon. Also consider the passage in Luke 24:25-27 25 And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

And lets not forget the notion of the other writings in John whereby the Holy Spirit would come and remind us of all Jesus already taught; And contrast that with the fact Paul wrote that people without the knowledge of scripture (or in Paul's day anything related to what we refer to as Old Testament writings) somehow were doing the right thing where those with the scripture weren't.

There's a fascinating way about HIM, HE isn't limited in how HE can reach and teach. People learn to do right by coming into right relationship with HIM in many wonderous ways.

But for now, I agree with the above noted question, what do you think is missing from Jesus' life and example that needs to be sought out and stated? Thanks for thought provoking question!