But waiting Esther and Mordecai to learn that you can defend yourself would be just bad advice.
Was it? They won, right?
I get that the Bible can be challenging to believe sometimes. I had a hard time accepting that God commanded children to be wiped out by the Israelites. I knew the Bible was all true, and so I prayed, and asked God to give me an answer. He did, and it put my soul at rest on the matter completely.
A boy's father said to Jesus, "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." (Mark 9:24).
This is how you should be.
Pray and ask the Lord for the answer and He will help you to see with spiritual eyes.
Sometimes the answer may come right away, and sometimes it may take years.
But wait upon the LORD and you will be happy.
I can give you an answer, but it will not be like the one God can give you.
Just believe and trust His Word even when it may not make sense to you.
In time, God will reveal the truth to you so that it will make sense.