Esther is a book that isn't about God. It is Persian propaganda.
I would like you to watch one more short story on Esther.
You probably know this story, but just watch it, and I want you to focus on how it points to Jesus Christ and or God’s people today.
The first queen was not beautiful in the king’s eyes later because she stopped being faithful to him in the sense of not obeying his words in going to a party he desired her to go to. She was banished from the kingdom. The same is true for us. If we are not faithful to God, or Jesus we will gathered out of Christ’s Kingdom (See: Matthew 13:41-42). Eventually, a new queen was to be chosen, and Esther had won the King’s eye.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says,
3 ”…let it not be that outward
adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4 But
let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible,
even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
See, God (the King) looks at the inside of the heart and not the outward beauty. God wants us to be beautiful on the inside. This is what Esther was like. She was not just beautiful outside, but she was beautiful on the inside to her king. She threw a party that she knew that the king would like. She showed off her beauty. We as members of Christ are not to hide our candlestick under a basket. We are to shine the light of Christ unto all upon a hilltop openly to all. We are to let our light shine. This is by our actions that are faithful to the King. Jesus is our King who is one with the Father. The devil plots to kill God’s people. But we are to remain faithful nevertheless. In the end, we know we will succeed if we trust God (Whether we die of natural causes, or raptured, or martyred for our faith). During Christ’s three days while He was buried: The disciples were hopeless. They did not truly all believe or know that He would rise from the grave. But He did. The plot of the Jews to kill the King of the Jews (who represent true Jews) had failed. They couldn’t keep Jesus down for the count. Jesus came back from the dead, and He will return to destroy His enemies. The same is true for us. We will come back from death and execute judgment upon God’s enemies. The story of Esther is a broad brush stroke of this concept.
In short, look for Jesus in the story of Esther and His people, and ask God to open your eyes, and you will be amazed.