I would not give reparations to the black people for I had nothing to do with slavery, and do not support it, and no person is guilty for what other people do.
I do not care if your father is Hitler if you do not go along with him then you are not guilty.
If it is white guilt then all races are guilty of slavery.
How come they do not say black guilt if a black person robs a store, or does a drive by shooting, for it is the same concept, and the same thing.
God said the father shall not bear the sins of the son, and the son shall not bear the sins of the father, for everyone shall bear their own sins.
I think they should cry to the Africans for reparations.
I would think living in America is reparations enough for millions of black people do better than millions of white people.
Concerning the subject of slavery as told by the Africans what they are told about the history of slavery is that the white people did not go in to the interior of Africa to get the black people but they were brought out to the coast for white people to buy as well as any nation that wanted to buy them.
Which Africans were selling black people of tribes they conquered so they were their enemies.
The black people might of wanted to go with the white people taking their chances, because they were not their enemy to escape their enemies in Africa that might have mistreated them, or eaten them.
And who gets in trouble more the drug dealer or the drug user, so black guilt seems to be more appropriate than white guilt.
The white people were the first people in the history of mankind to end slavery with England in 1833, France in 1848, and America in 1865, and they led the charge to end slavery in the world.
Also they still sell slaves in Africa as they sold them hundreds of years ago pointed out by many black people who seek the truth, but they are not sold to white people anymore.
Also there were black people that owned slaves but how could they do that if all the black people were slaves, and Native Americans owned slaves.
Africans will tell you the true history but the Democrat party wants division among the black and white people, and division among people in general for that is part of their agenda so they will not tell the truth.
Black Harvard Sociologist Orlando Patterson said, America, “is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all of those of Africa".
Author Kathleen Brush visited 114 nations during the course of her “racism” research and has found what common sense informs us: The United States is among the least racist countries on Earth.
She said, after studying racism the world over for more than 10 years, “I know what systemic racism looks like it is opposite to the United States”
Black people have it better in America than any other nation on earth.
Also white privilege, and systemic racism is a meaningless thing to say for black people will favor black people, and all races will favor their own people.
So why do the black people cry if white people favor white people when black people will favor black people playing the same game and you know they do.
The white people are not doing what the other races have not been doing, or have done.
America's ethnic diversity testifies against white privilege, and systemic racism, for the other ethnic groups in positions of authority, and status might give their own people favor, or at least play fair.
The only way white privilege, and systemic racism can be true is if all the other races said we will only give the white people favor, and not care about our own people, which they will not do.
America's ethnic diversity testifies against it.
When people generalize a whole race as being bad their are either mad so they blame them all, or they are being arrogant exalting their own race and saying we are better.
I am white but I do not defend white people, and I am a man but I do not defend men, but I play fair, and whoever is right I defend them.
If everybody did that then the battle between races, and gender, would cease for they would play fair instead of trying to exalt their race, or gender, even to the point of believing lies, and making up lies, and generalizing.
God said they accuse and excuse for they will accuse, and then make excuses for their own selves all the while all races act the same.
If reparations are paid to the black people then everybody should be looking for reparations to what happened to their people including the millions of white people that were slaves to the Arabs in the 9th century which all races have been done wrong by other races during the course of history.
Reparations to the Native Americans makes sense but not to the black people.
Like I said let them get reparations from the Africans that sold them to whatever nation wanted to buy them.
The major Atlantic slave trading nations, in order of trade volume, were Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, the Netherlands, the United States, and Denmark.
Several had established outposts on the African coast, where they purchased slaves from local African leaders.
It was the Atlantic Slave Trade not the white people invade your land and take your people campaign.