Explain, please, how that is "unfair". And does that mean God is morally obligated to make things right?
I'll be waiting with bated breath....
God knows it's not fair? Wasn't it God who chose Adam as the representative for the human race?
Adam was only the first of its (our) kind.
1 man's sin = all humanities sin just like 1 man's death = all humanities salvation (
might be saved)
If it was fair what Adam did then God would not require a sacrifice to save His creation. So Adam caused all of us to be in debt to God before we ever existed. Look at Salvation, it's singular = 12 .......work out
your own salvation with fear and trembling.
If it were equal, the one man who causes all to sin, when that one man (was restored) should cause all men to be restored. But it doesn't, it takes the Death of God to restore us. So 1 man's sin causes all of man to be in sin. But now it takes the Death of God to restore all of men to salvation.
Even though it was the ultimate Plan of God, He has to Die to restore what 1 man did. God has to Die because of what 1 man did to everyone else. So ultimately, God did die for Adam, but He actually is Dying for the everyone else because of Adam.