There is no need to go off on a tangent. You can either believe THE WHOLE WORD OF GOD or pick and choose what you like or not like. Mary never preached, or taught, or assumed authority over Joseph.
I believe fully in the word of God what I don;t believe in it interprention or our own understanding I want go to go deeper how many can claim they truly know the truth? the scriptures to me are his solid word what he says goes but look at the division look at the demonitations looke at how easily interpretation creates what we believe where we stand the enemy knows to take down an army to confuse divide and conquor tell me aside from me who has listened to you who has spoken of you with respect?
I speak of you as widsom and understanding I wouldn;t do this if U didn;t mean it it is pretty clear I speak to honestly but that is just who I am yes it isn;t always right but but I live in him not the interpreation who cares what we think is truth if you are unable to fully surrender it all what you thought you understood how can you seek the actual thing? we as humans have away of thinking we know the ytuth that we are right in our believes but since when has that has ever been the case all throuought scripture it is only when you t\truly accept you know nothing when you feel that beautifull surrender when you say to him what he say goes that you really know what the kingdom and the actual truth is.
If you think yourself to be in the truth prove me wrong the point isn't wjhatnwe understand it is his heart his kingdom that small drop of hos love that your body cannot handle how you have such a deep unatural affection forhim hpw ypur heart cires out fo him in such longing a tortureius longing to just hig him to just see that smile on his face you would never want anything else it makes your soul leap inside you what I say I have seen and tasted cab yiu say the same? or do you see his word as a stufy?
there is wisdom in studying but f you don't know what it feels like to be so affection so deep longing to just wrap your wrap your arms around him even to the point your own body craves him then you ate just reading the sctiptures
Beelieve me I go through far more spiritual warfare than any of you can imagine I have more than enough reason to not believe I have almost died more than seven time I live in despair the enemy seems to havr all the control I wigh 106 I had luckemia on my twelve birtfsy snd I have stomach cancer a;omg with everything I have had to go through on my own I don;t even have the money to get the eye drops my eyes need to get better my whole life I have i only kniwn abuse pain sufferubg the unfairness and cruekity of lifee yet look at what I say I point to him I speak of him not what I think the scriotures say
If someone like me who has sufferr
Why don't you understand?
Does the husband in the Bible simply mean the husband in the secular world?
Can a promiscuous husband be a priest?
Can a murdering husband be a priest?
There is only one husband in the Bible, and that is Jesus.The church is his bride.We believers all carry feminine identity metaphors.It is wrong for a believer to replace her husband's authority.It is wrong if a believer's theory is to replace the authority of Jesus.
Do you still insist on your own opinions?
yes that is our own opinion it isn;t about what we understand or our opinion the bond and the connection of the heart with him that is what it is about as if we we could ever hope to understand the depth of himself but for every drop he gices us we realize it is him his kingdom and it isn;t just about him he brings us into his fold ayone can teaxh or speak of this but it is so eesy to give what we think but the absolutes joy unatural joy how just a drop of his love is to much for your body to hamdle how your heart cries out to himbegging him to tske you even if it means death his arms is home a love we cannot even handle yet we are desperate for all of him
the heart peircing soul bleeding for him let youraelf and anyone who reads this seek this with him forget what you think the scriptures say he qill show you just seek him first mpt as a distant person but expect him