King James aficionados...
Since the original King James Bible has undergone two major revisions and quite a few minor revisions, which version of the King James Bible is the inerrant word of God???
Since the original King James Bible has undergone two major revisions and quite a few minor revisions, which version of the King James Bible is the inerrant word of God???
There are several reasons for this but I am not sure you would be open to hearing them.
If you are interested, I can explain it if you like.
You said:
In other words, how many mistakes did the translators make???
If you are referring to their work while they were not given illumination by God…. the number is simply impossible to find out.
I believe God employed Selective Temporal Inspiration to give the KJV translators understanding. Meaning, the KJV translators sometimes operated on their own (Whereby you might see corrections, thoughts expressed in the KJV preface, marginal notes, etc.) and other times God moved at the right moments in time to illuminate their understanding and ensure that the right words were chosen in the end for the translation. Peter said that Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus said that the Father revealed this truth to him. Yet, at another point in time, Jesus called Peter as Satan because he tried to prevent Jesus in going to the cross. So sometimes a believer can operate by God, and other times this is not the case. So while the KJV translators made mistakes while they were not under the illumination of the Holy Spirit, that does not mean this was the case when God gave them the understanding and helped them to choose the right words that end up in the final handwritten master copy.