You have had $1 trillion leave the city, this judgement on Trump for $355 million is causing real estate investors to flee, NY Bankcorp is about to go belly up, and it gets worse. The biggest fear from the $355 million judgement is that they will take anyones money. Well, in California they are doing just that. They have a bill where "qualified first time home buyers" which is a reference to illigal immigrants, can buy a home with a 20% loan from the government, they don't have to pay interest on the loan and they don't have to make payments on the loan until the house is sold. In other words they can use this as the down payment, walk into a home for free and of course "easy come easy go". Who will pay this, regardless of how they fashion the taxes to pay it will be business that ultimately pays. This kind of law encourages people to leave. Here. is the good news, this law makes it super easy to buy a house and therefore super easy to sell a house. This will make it very easy for those who can read the writing on the wall to leave.