I believe the crosswalk signs are white because they are easier to see because they are brighter the same as people usually use white light bulbs for they illuminate more.
What do they want to have them a dark color and people cannot see it as good and go walking across the street and get hit.
Black Harvard Sociologist Orlando Patterson said, America, “is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of black persons than any other society, including all of those of Africa".
Author Kathleen Brush visited 114 nations during the course of her “racism” research and has found what common sense informs us: The United States is among the least racist countries on Earth.
She said after studying racism the world over for more than 10 years, “I know what systemic racism looks like, and it is opposite to the United States".
Black people have it better in America than anywhere else including Africa which they say they have no rights.
Slavery was not a good thing but because of their greed they went and purchased slaves.
But with that being said white people are not doing what all the other ethnic groups have not been doing, or have done.
The world is a power struggle, and the world has been pushing for power and control for thousands of years between the nations, ethnic groups, and genders.
People were pushing for power and control before the white people had power and control, which when they fell they could never rise again so that is why white people have had power and control for so long of a time, but they were all acting the same way.
Also the major influences in the past would not put other ethnic groups on their level but wanted to be superior over them like Egypt that would not eat with Hebrews for it was an abomination to them.
But in America where the major influence is the white people not only can black people do as good as white people, but they can do better than white people.
Also white privilege is a meaningless thing to say because of America's ethnic diversity.
They cry if white people give white people privilege but the black people will give black people privilege so they play the same game.
Latinos will give Latinos privilege, Asians, Arabs, and so forth, and family, and friends.
America has ethnic diversity that are in positions of authority, and status, and they might give them privilege, or at least play fair.
The only way there can be truly white privilege is if all the ethnic groups said we are only going to give privilege to the white people, and not care about our own people.
But that will not happen for they might give privilege to their own kind which they do.
America's ethnic diversity testifies against white privilege, and systemic racism.
The KKK disbanded in 1944, and only has about 5000-8000 members identifying with it which means the majority of white people do not care about them, and comments after comments on social media they are saying they want harmony.
Conservative black people understand this.
But the government wants division so they will paint the white people as being racist, and cruel, but I do not see it, for we have went to far in history where they do not really care about that.
Africans are taught history that the white people did not go in to the interior of Africa to get slaves but they were brought out to the coast for them to buy which they sold them to whatever nation wanted them which an African woman pointed this out.
I read where they were selling slaves of tribes they conquered so we do not know if the black people actually wanted to go with the white people to get away from their enemies where they might have been eaten, or beaten, and treated cruelly.
But who gets in to trouble more the drug dealer, or the drug user, which the drug dealer gets in to more trouble.
Also white people were the first people to end slavery in the history of mankind with England in 1833, France in 1848, and America in 1965, and led the charge to end slavery in the world.
But it is all a deception of America's religious, and ethnic diversity, for it is used to try to get the world to come together as one.
The reason the American government has religious diversity, and ethnic diversity, is to show the world that all people can get along despite their differences because they want to gather the world together for a one world government to establish the new age movement interpretation of the Bible, and religions in the world.
The United Nations supports new age organizations, and is with them as well as Science.
Which they believe people are evolving to be spiritual, and Jesus evolved to be an ascended master, and there is no personal God, which is their religion, and reality now.
They believe aliens are going to help the world to have peace, advance, and evolve, which they talk about the return of the gods.
They believe Lucifer is a god, and an alien, that gave mankind intelligence, and will help mankind to evolve along with the New Age Christ.
They do not believe Lucifer is a fallen angel because they do not believe in a God.
The Republican and Democrat top leaders are actually working together which is the 2 opposing forces in the Hegel System.
Which on the back of the one dollar bill announcing the conception of a new order of the ages, and out of many, one.
America and Russia have been working together the whole time as the 2 opposing forces in the Hegel System.
Which the one world government will be a balance between democracy and communism, and the unified religious system will be a balance between atheist and spirituality, and their higher power the God of forces, or the power of nature.
Continued in next post