Reading Mark ch 3, Verses 1 to 6 about Jesus healing a man's hand on the Sabbath, it occurred to me that it seems only Christ did any actual healing and on a grand scale too.
The Pharisees didn't.
So in those times who actually did any? There were a lot of possessed, blind, sick, leprous folks around. I do not know if John the Baptist had a healing gift, or if the disciples did?
Jesus definitely did not just heal the soul, he healed serious diseases. He freed people to live again, to function and be free of pain. How brilliant is that? The ones who hated Him didn't do anything of any use really, except posture.
It's worth thinking about those today who choose not to believe in Jesus. He came and did good. Who else does that?
The Pharisees didn't.
So in those times who actually did any? There were a lot of possessed, blind, sick, leprous folks around. I do not know if John the Baptist had a healing gift, or if the disciples did?
Jesus definitely did not just heal the soul, he healed serious diseases. He freed people to live again, to function and be free of pain. How brilliant is that? The ones who hated Him didn't do anything of any use really, except posture.
It's worth thinking about those today who choose not to believe in Jesus. He came and did good. Who else does that?