But if you pay any attenton at all to the context, it's obvious that the "Water" refers to "Natural birth", and the "Spirit" refers to the Born Again experience.
I'm well aware that "Baptismal Regenerationists", try to put "Water Baptism" everywhere, even when it doesn't belong.
SO spread your "Theology" and I'll oppose it.
I'm not sure that it does.
The passage say unless a man be born of water and spirit he can not enter the kingdom.
If a man was naturally born of water, there would be no reason for Jesus to say this, unless you be born of water.
Since every one has the chance to be saved then all are born naturally, of what you call water that is.
There for the water Jesus must be talking about, must be different.
My belief is all tho you may not agree,
I believe jesus is refering to living water.
But where is that living water, is it in the washing of sins, is it in the forgiveness of sins.
Does the living water come first and then the spirit.
Do some receive the living water, but not the spirit.
Does the living water come from water baptism.
So anyhow, a lot of questions, but also ideas, I know, but with God the list of possibilities are endless.
I would say it probably best to hold water baptism as a sacred act, that leads to being born of living water.
And I would stick to those guns just in case.
As Jesus said go out and baptise.
But you don't have to stick to theese guns,
but I will because the gun of guns, the son of a gun, says his gun can smoke me to heaven or hell.
so I go with honouring his water baptism 😊