I'm listening to reporters on the border.
Your governor said at least 6,000,000 illegals have successfully made it across the border and into the states since Biten stole the office. One of my sources for the high numbers was Intel Officer, Col. Anthony Shaffer.
The expert on this issue, spec ops, famous war correspondent, Michael Yon said if there's just one out of 10 enemy combatants waiting for orders, and only 10 M illegals, that's a million enemies ready to take out key infrastructure. Even if you cut that number in half, would you not agree that that could be a problem for the families who live here? Years ago I was wondering why so many middle class neighborhoods in Texas had security bars on all doors and windows.
The week before I arrived to one town, the church bus I rode on was shot up. Nobody was hit, but I asked about the bullet holes. That was in a govt subsidized apartment complex neighborhood picking up children and single mothers for church.
I wonder if the crime issue has improved since then?
Latest interview today:
Michael Yon Warns Against States Sending Troops