I can't believe that people would defend genocide by claiming that other nations genocided too, so it's okay. That wasn't a defence that was considered acceptable for the Nazis...
well there a Jew in everyone they say 😁
Some Jews are arrogant of sin and other Jews only see someone else's sin
And other Jews will say no us Jews are perfect .
And well others will say no way can Jews commit theese sins
And even Arabs exist in Jews to, where by the Arab Jew claims that no way could a prophet like David commit a major sin.
Because there like Christian Arabs, believe the elect can not be deceived, so there for David could not have commited adultery, or things like no way can God not have mercy.
And even when all theese types of Jews have the sin charged to them.
They still spit it out like a camel with the hump.
It's the same for the gentile sometimes too
So I think what we have is a gen-Jew-tile. On our hands 😀