lol,hmm this will bring a little friction but never the less... If you notice there has always been debate between Paul and the law of Moses even in the 1st century(Acts 15 ,24 ect.)... There were other groups that believed in Christ but with different ideas of his person/deity. For instance the Ebionites who also wrote or interpreted their own writings(Gospels) believed Jesus was the Messiah but they did not believe he was born of virgin birth(to them they saw Joseph as Jesus father). There was also the "Nazarene sect" with different views from the 12 Apostles,Paul ect.... In Luke he begins with saying that there were "many" who had "drew up a narration" but then in verse 3-4 is saying that he was writing to so that he/they would know with "certainty"(they were seeing Gospels that ere different from the Apostles)
So look real close at Jerome, Pamphilus ect. along with the Q,,M source ect. because if you do you will notice that in Jerome's commentaries he says that there was a Gospel wrote by the apostle and it was interpreted but they didn't no who interpreted it. He(Jerome that translated the LV) says his own self that the Gospel he obtained was "Gospel of the Hebrews" that the Nazarene sect. was using in Caesarea(they called it the Gospel of Matthew). Anyway it's a touchy subject because even when Jerome interpreted it he didn't know if there were two different men who wrote a Gospel( the Apostle Matthew and an Ebionite also named Matthew) or if the to had become combined during interpretations by ad400(meaning the original by the Apostle was lost because of it)... Look at this your own self because everyone is going to see it different they have since ad400 when Jerome translated it and it was put in the LV...