God's way is the way to practice aspects of His eternal character, such as in Genesis 18:19, God knew Abraham that he would teach his children and those of his household to walk in His way by doing righteousness and justice that the Lord may bring to him all that He has promised. In Exodus 33:13, Moses wanted God to be gracious to him by teaching him how to walk in His way that he might know Him, and in Psalms 103:7, God made His way known to Moses, so both Abraham and Moses walked in God's way and taught others to do that in accordance with the promise and with spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom. In Genesis 26:4-5, God will multiply Abraham's children as the stars in the heaven, to his children He will give all of these lands, and through his children all of the nations of the earth will be blessed because Abraham heard God's voice and guarded His commandments, His statutes, and His laws, and in Deuteronomy 30:16, if the children of Abraham will love God with all of their heart by walking in His way in obedience to His commandments, statutes, and laws, then they will live and multiply and God will bless them in the land that they go to posses, so the promise was made to Abraham and brought about because he walked in God's way in obedience to His law, he taught his children and those of his household to do that, and because they did that in obedience to the Mosaic Law.
If God made the New Covenant with us that He didn't make with the ancient Israelites and if the the New Covenant contains at least some of the same commandments as the Mosaic Covenant, then the fact that God made the Mosaic Covenant with the ancient Israelites that he hadn't made with their fathers does not show that any of the laws of the Mosaic Covenant were not previously given, and in fact there are many examples of God's laws being given prior to when they were given at Sinai without being told when God first commanded them. For example, in Genesis 4:7, God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door and he must master it, which implies that he already knew what sin is and must have already been given laws in that regard. In Genesis 7:2, Noah was told what to do with clean and unclean animals without being told hold to tell the difference, and in 8:20, he knew to offer a clean animal, so he must have already been given laws in that regard. In Genesis 39:9, Joseph knew that it was a sin to commit adultery.
So it is not safe to assume that none of the laws given at Sinai were not given prior to then, though it is also not save to assume that any law was given in the same form prior to when it was given at Sinai. For instance, God could give one person a list of 100 examples of how to act in accordance with His righteousness in various situations and then give a second person a different set of 100 examples of how to do that, so while different examples are used, they are all teaching the same sort of actions because they all have the same principle of righteousness is common. God's character is eternal, so we can expect that any two sets of instructions for how to act in accordance with His character are going to be very similar any any instructions that God has given for how to do that are eternally valid.[/QUOTE
I really liked you post.
I have been trying to say that gods Commandments his Laws, you could say moral laws were embedded in people's hearts and minds, into their very souls. Even without the tablets and before the Commandments were written down for people to fallow people had a moral sense of what was right and wrong, they knew good from bad and rightness from sin.
"Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." (Gen 26:5)
Blessings, Danny
If God made the New Covenant with us that He didn't make with the ancient Israelites and if the the New Covenant contains at least some of the same commandments as the Mosaic Covenant, then the fact that God made the Mosaic Covenant with the ancient Israelites that he hadn't made with their fathers does not show that any of the laws of the Mosaic Covenant were not previously given, and in fact there are many examples of God's laws being given prior to when they were given at Sinai without being told when God first commanded them. For example, in Genesis 4:7, God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door and he must master it, which implies that he already knew what sin is and must have already been given laws in that regard. In Genesis 7:2, Noah was told what to do with clean and unclean animals without being told hold to tell the difference, and in 8:20, he knew to offer a clean animal, so he must have already been given laws in that regard. In Genesis 39:9, Joseph knew that it was a sin to commit adultery.
So it is not safe to assume that none of the laws given at Sinai were not given prior to then, though it is also not save to assume that any law was given in the same form prior to when it was given at Sinai. For instance, God could give one person a list of 100 examples of how to act in accordance with His righteousness in various situations and then give a second person a different set of 100 examples of how to do that, so while different examples are used, they are all teaching the same sort of actions because they all have the same principle of righteousness is common. God's character is eternal, so we can expect that any two sets of instructions for how to act in accordance with His character are going to be very similar any any instructions that God has given for how to do that are eternally valid.[/QUOTE
I really liked you post.
I have been trying to say that gods Commandments his Laws, you could say moral laws were embedded in people's hearts and minds, into their very souls. Even without the tablets and before the Commandments were written down for people to fallow people had a moral sense of what was right and wrong, they knew good from bad and rightness from sin.
"Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws." (Gen 26:5)
Blessings, Danny