I find churches where the as soon as children turn 18 they dont go to the same church or as their parents and leave home never to see them again. Then churches complain theres no young people. They drive them away and dont offer them any employment or minsitries after leaving school. Their youth groups are hotbeds of vice where youth just hang out at 'events'
Churches then turns out to be just social clubs for baby boomers as they are the majority.
sorry. Thats just the way it is for many, and younger pastors are stuck with the system. They rent out the manse insted to unbelievers. When theres no jobs churches dont even help. They want people to work for them for nothing (not even food) and dont give references either. Pastors now want salaries. Their jobs are advertised like any other jobs, instead of being a calling, its just a hiring, because churches are now businesses. They dont train people, you have to pay through the nose to go to college for that then compete with hundreds of other graduates.
Nobody can just walk in and find a job and do it on the same day anymore. Its been like that for decades (in nz) and gets worse, now you must go online and never get even a response back sometimes. When you do land a job, you do the work of 3 people without a break and the employer can fire you at anytime during 90 days.