Seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33 kjv
This is a Christian singles forum. Have you been seeking his kingdom and his righteousness first? Or have you been skipping trying to get straight to the love part? I can personally say that it is hard to wait on something you may actually need. I do know that any longer and I won’t need it anymore. I’m a single mother who wishes I could have someone around for any time of day and night just to help me who is this little two person family. We all need to get closer to God. There are other things that I know he has promised me. Do I keep driving to get it? Or do I wait until he tells me to get it? Will it be successful if I try when I “ think” it’s time to try. Or do I wait until I KNOW he said it was time to. Is there anything in your life that you are wanting right now? But also knows you need improvement first? in the next two years, I will not want to be with someone. I will still want to pursue my visions and dreams concerning myself as well as dream's concerning ministry.
What does it mean to seek his kingdom first and his righteousness? Well without it…. How well will you be able to accomplish things? When tests and trials come…. Will you be able to stay faithful? Will you be able to keep the faith in Jesus? Knowing that you are still getting what he promised you? Are you certain he promised it to you? We must examine ourselves daily in order to know if we are truly seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness.
I have learned that if I began to seek out those things as if it is an absolute necessity, spending so much time every day, trying to fulfill that desire, then I need to stop what I’m doing because I’ve taken my focus off of God. This has been true about many different things. I guess I want to encourage anyone who may feel as if nothing is ever gonna happen to remember to keep your focus on God. Continue to do things here and there, but don’t let it overtake your emotions. If he promised it to you, then he will fulfill it. Nothing he says comes back void. I guess you just need a little more patience although it may not feel too good.