An exile is a person without a home, a forceful exit to a place far from home, a person who still can remember and feel the word of home. We must never mistake the glimpse of home as home itself. It is only the image of what was lost or what we hope to gain. Over time the exile may abandon the idea of ever going home so they grow comfortable in the land they now occupy. They move from exile to citizen.
In Ezra 9, Ezra discovered that the majority of the Jews in exile had not repented but had adopted the ways of the pagan culture. They took wives who cared less for Yahweh and by marriage, they became open to committing the abominations of paganism.
Only a remnant kept the idea of home in the forefront and the words of hope in returning as a beacon of light.
We must never grow so comfortable to lose where we are meant to be. If we do we may forever find ourselves exiles of Heaven.