Romans 8:14 states "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God". The question arises, how does the Spirit of God lead us? God is Spirit (John 4:24) and spiritual thinks are understood spiritually (1 Corinthians 2:14). Those who are born again have a new, live spirit where God, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are pleased to dwell.
The Spirit dwells in the human Spirit, not in the soul. The spirit of man includes conscience and intuition. The unsaved have a conscience programmed by their culture, education and upbringing. Intuition in the unbeliever is mostly overriden by logic, reason or emotion. Logic and reason are easily twisted, invariably to program the individual to oppose God's truth.
The Spirit of God leads the believer in the intuition. It is the "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). Conscience is the monitor that tells us that our behaviour is wrong and intuition is the positive, leading us in the way that we should go.
Why does this matter? Intuition is never wrong. Neither is conscience. Most people know about the conscience, not so many about intuition. If we seek to be led by the Spirit, we need intuition to be sharp and sensitive to His voice. It is indeed still and small, not loud and demanding. Quite often we do something without realising that we have been led by the Spirit. There are times that we realise His leading after the event. We need to learn to discern this inner voice and learn not to allow logic or emotion to override it. This is a part of our spiritual growth. Don't be shocked if you are wrong at times. Emotion often seems like the Spirit. This is why the Word of God needs to separate soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). Ask God to help you. He is far more willing to lead us than we are to be led.
The Spirit dwells in the human Spirit, not in the soul. The spirit of man includes conscience and intuition. The unsaved have a conscience programmed by their culture, education and upbringing. Intuition in the unbeliever is mostly overriden by logic, reason or emotion. Logic and reason are easily twisted, invariably to program the individual to oppose God's truth.
The Spirit of God leads the believer in the intuition. It is the "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12). Conscience is the monitor that tells us that our behaviour is wrong and intuition is the positive, leading us in the way that we should go.
Why does this matter? Intuition is never wrong. Neither is conscience. Most people know about the conscience, not so many about intuition. If we seek to be led by the Spirit, we need intuition to be sharp and sensitive to His voice. It is indeed still and small, not loud and demanding. Quite often we do something without realising that we have been led by the Spirit. There are times that we realise His leading after the event. We need to learn to discern this inner voice and learn not to allow logic or emotion to override it. This is a part of our spiritual growth. Don't be shocked if you are wrong at times. Emotion often seems like the Spirit. This is why the Word of God needs to separate soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12). Ask God to help you. He is far more willing to lead us than we are to be led.
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