I need to make a correction to this portion of my post.
I wrote: The greek word for pre-destined is made up of pro- (beforehand) -hor- (from horaO: I limit) and -iz- to make i.e. prohorizO = I make limited beforehand.
This should say: "The greek word for pre-destined is made up of pro- (beforehand) -hor- (from horion, meaning a border, which is from horos meaning a bound or limit: I limit) and -iz- to make i.e. prohorizO = I limitize beforehand or I make limited beforehand.
It points to the limitation of the object to reach only thus far. It does not point to the forcing of the object to attain the limit being presented.
Before the foundation of the earth, God chose us who are in Christ to mature toward but not beyond conformity to the image of Jesus. A disciple when he is fully taught will be like his master, but not beyond his master. And not all disciples will attain the maximum within the limit set. That is Paul's point.