Not only did Jerome (374-420 A.D.) claim to have seen the Hebrew gospel, he said he had translated it and on several occasions he quoted from it (
On Famous Men 2 & 3). Jerome confirmed, “the gospel in Hebrew letters which the Nazarenes use” (
Against Pelagius III, 2), or “the gospel according to the Hebrews.” A much earlier writer, Papias, who was a disciple of John the apostle, stated that Matthew recorded the sayings of Jesus in Hebrew and everyone translated them as best he could (Eusebius,
Ecclesiastical History III, 39, 16).
It is quite possible that Papias’ “Matthew” is the same as Jerome’s Hebrew gospel.
The gospel according to the Hebrews”
for almost 50 years, Jerome's job, was to gather and examine EVERY KNOWN copy that existed relating to our Bible. from Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and to his own Latin, that was his sole life's duty.
and if JEROME, not only thought it VALUABLE to not just mention this Hebrew Gospel, but took the time to view (it) multiples times, translate it, and then the [[[[[[[
TESTIMONIAL]]]]]]] of them ALL, QUOTED from IT, as if it came from JESUS HIMSELF, is ""extremely alarming"" how people claiming to be Followers of God [[could ever]] try to DENY IT!