Again with your vague opinions and no proof. Who are you to decide what the proper exegesis of this verse is? Hundreds of millions of Christians, including some highly experienced Bible scholars are split on this issue. So be specific and provide actual evidence.
But his declaration about Messiah's person led to a declaration of Messiah's program. Peter (Petros, masc.) was strong like a rock, but Jesus added that on this rock (petra, fem.) He would build His church. Because of this change in Greek words, many conservative scholars believe that Jesus is now building His church on Himself. Others hold that the church is built on Peter and the other apostles as the building's foundation stones (Ep 2:20; Rev 21:14). Still other scholars say that the church is built on Peter's testimony. It seems best to understand that Jesus was praising Peter for his accurate statement about Him, and was introducing His work of building the church on Himself (1Co 3:11).
Building His church was a yet-future work of Jesus Christ, for He had not yet started the process. He said, I will build (future tense) My church, but His program for the nation Israel had to be concluded before another program could be set in motion. This is probably why Jesus said not even the gates of hades would overcome this program. Jews would understand hades' gates to refer to physical death. Jesus was thus telling the disciples His death would not prevent His work of building the church. Later (Mt 16:21) He spoke of His imminent death. He was therefore anticipating His death and His victory over death through the Resurrection.
His church would then begin to be built, starting on the day of Pentecost, and Peter and the other apostles would have important roles in it. He declared that Peter would be given significant authority, the keys of the kingdom of heaven. A “key” was a sign of authority, for a trusted steward kept the keys to his master's possessions and dispensed them accordingly (cf. “the keys of death and hades” [Rev 1:18] and “the key of David” [Rev 3:7], which Jesus possesses).
Peter was told he would possess the keys and be able to bind and loose people. These were decisions Peter was to implement as he received instruction from heaven,
for the binding and loosing occurred there first. Peter simply carried out God's directions. This privilege of binding and loosing was seen in Peter's life as he had the privilege on the day of Pentecost to proclaim the gospel and announce to all those who responded in saving faith that their sins had been forgiven (Ac 2). He was able to do the same thing with the household of Cornelius (Ac 10-11; cf. Ac 15:19-20). The same privilege was given all the disciples (Jn 20:22-23).
After making this great declaration about His future church program, Jesus told the disciples not to tell anyone that He is the Christ, the Messiah. The Lord knew it was too late for the nation to respond to His offer, and His rejection was drawing near. There was no reason for His disciples to be trying to convince a nation that had already turned from Him.