I disagree. Peter needed lots of mentoring from Jesus before becoming a great apostle. I think we can all relate to Peter since he often put his foot in his mouth, as most of us do.
If what you say is true, then we could forgo the church experience altogether. There are plenty of YouTube videos from excellent pastors on a myriad of subjects.
We would no longer need church buildings since the main reason for their existence is to gather together and listen to a sermon. We would no longer have to hire professional pastors and staff, which would save a lot of money. As a result, our tithes would go directly to feeding the poor and taking care of the most vulnerable (unfortunately, it's the government that has stepped into this role).
I don't want to sound like I'm disparaging the local church, but without any sort of mentoring or discipleship, young people are going to find it here instead:
- Cults like the JWs and Mormon church
- Paganism and witchcraft
- Unitarianism
- Transgender ideology
- Humanism
- Name any other "ism"
In a world of increasing automation and zero customer service, people are looking for connections. The most immature in our society are turning to substance abuse at an alarming rate. And while these people are difficult to deal with -- as Peter was -- they need mature Christians to help them make the right choices.
People are hurting, but we shouldn't be telling them that God will wave a magic wand and make their lives better if they follow Jesus.
Instead, we should be teaching and mentoring them on how to show the grace of Christ, even if their lives are not what they'd hoped for.