I came to having whole food from plants and was generally avoiding processed foods, since I found this Forks Over Knives way over seven years ago now. I would say from my experience it is working and I probably am in better shape than I would have been, though I have issues. There are different ways people might avoid meat but this way really has benefits and avoids many certain health issues which are common. And I can go on to give many reasons for why to choose this way, and doubt there is any such good reason to not do so, but I do not say things to get you to do something either, while I can share the information. I had meat before. I know completely what I do not get anymore, my memory is not gone. But, I got over it. It is like remembering what alcoholic drinks are all like, completely, and not not having them anymore when getting over them. It is better when past the addictions that were not as good.
The same God who gave some permission, not exactly what almost all understand it was, without having any blood, gave such to those of the fall whose imaginations of the heart were desperately wicked and selfish, as God had just stated. Love which is godly casts out fear, but in this cursed circumstance fear and dread of humans fell on the animal creatures given into man's hand, just as Job was given into Satan's hand, the same God told us to start with, before anything, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed that is on the face of the earth, and every tree with fruit that yields seed, to you it will be for food." In all the whole Bible this was the only time God saw it was all very good. Nothing else was called very good.
God did not make a mistake that God had to change. God didn't change and doesn't ever change.
You, any who read these posts, certainly can make all your own choices. But information can be shared for how good this way is, and all this was just a little for that, so I don't go on and on.
I did not know that, it does not surprise me, yet. Nothing in the book that I was reading from or the documentary movie I looked at later had any 7th Day Adventist teaching or support of anything from them mentioned, there was nothing in those to connect them to that church. They were entirely about studies, evidences, and results. It is conclusive this is the healthy way, and cancers, heart attacks and strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes type 2, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other things can be prevented, and in some cases even reversed, with it. I commend looking at the book, and the website itself makes the documentary movie available now free, it really should be seen!